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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Brilliant Club

Visit to the University of Bristol

On Tuesday 15 January 2019, ten Year 9 pupils from Deer Park visited The University of Bristol as part of The Brilliant Club Scholars Programme. The Scholars Programme aims to give pupils an experience of university learning, to encourage them to consider attending university in the future.

brilliant club

university of bristol

The pupils spent the day experiencing university life, having a tour of the facilities, experiencing a lecture in one of the lecture theatres and having small group tutorials with their PhD tutor.

Over the next few weeks the pupils are going to be having further tutorials in school and start working towards their independent research project. Once completed, their research project will be marked by their PhD tutor and graded using University criteria and the pupils will have an opportunity to attend a graduation ceremony at a different university on completion of their project later this year.

The pupils really enjoyed their day.  One pupil said " I thought it was great to be able to learn what life in university is like at an early age so that I can think about my future with a better understanding of how everything works".

We look forward to seeing how their project progresses.

y9 brilliant club uni bristol

y9 brilliant club uni bristol

“The day gave pupils a valuable opportunity to see what university life is all about, especially as for most of the pupils it was the first time they had ever visited a university. The pupils were surprised at how large the university was and how big the lecture theatres and department buildings were. Our pupils really engaged with the student ambassadors they met and many have been inspired to consider university studies in the future.” Mrs Pullen, Science

Read about The Brilliant Club in 2018...