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Year 7 Journey

Year 7 Achievements in 2018

Mrs Hannis is Senior Year Leader (Year 7) at Cirencester Deer Park School and now, just before Christmas, says "Wow! What a fabulous introduction our Year 7s have had to Deer Park. There have been many achievements and opportunities in just four months. I am delighted to see so many new friendships being established and old friendships continue."

The Year 7 Learning Conference on Thursday 13 September 2018 saw our pupils working together to consider different learning strategies and further understand the workings of the brain and the changes that occur within it as adolescents, vital information to help both pupils and their parents get their learning off to a flying start.

Year 7 Learning Conference September 2018

world peace day

On Friday 21 September, we held a whole school World Peace Day, which included a world record attempt. Year 7 pupils were given the task of researching a famous peace activist and then designing a collage to best represent their activist. Some of the resultant artworks are on display outside R1/R2.


A small group of Year 7s were given the opportunity to attend a Residential Retreat for a weekend in November. Two days of fun, activities and challenges in and around Slimbridge were organised to help develop our pupils' global understanding and really stretch them to achieve more than they first thought possible. 


year 7 residential weekend slimbridge

talent show 2018

Many talented Year 7 pupils took part in our Talent Show for Children in Need in November and we were treated to confident, amazing young people who wowed us with their singing, dancing, piano playing and magic acts.  Huge congratulations to Timothy in 7DU who was joint Key Stage 3 Winner, with his beautiful performance of ‘Walking in The Air’. You may also have heard him play and sing at our annual Christmas Carol Service.


We have sporting talent aplenty at Deer Park and our Year 7s are no exception. There have been some amazing Rugby and Netball wins against SWR and our Basketball Team are District Champions! 7NI and 7DU were crowned winners of the Key Stage 3 Inter Tutor Group Rugby and Netball tournaments in October. Read more...

inter tutor group rugby and netball tournaments

y7 corinium museum - museum takeover day

On the afternoon of Friday 23 November, our Science Faculty took a group of twenty Year 7 pupils to the Corinium Museum as part of their Kids in Museum's Takeover Day. Pupils found out about conservation, how historical pieces are evaluated for degradation and the steps taken to preserve them. 


In November 2018, all eight Year 7 tutor groups were tasked with supporting a local charity as part of our Community Connections initiative.  Each tutor group selected a different charity and set about collecting items to help local families and animals.  Much needed items were collected and have been distributed, bringing help to local families and individuals.



abbey home farm visit

At the beginning of December some of our Year 7s were part of Key Stage 3 educational visits to Abbey Home Farm. Having the opportunity to spend the day on a working farm, with hands-on activities and lunch over an open fire, was a memorable experience for all.


As part of our English Faculty in Focus in December, Year 7s were challenged to an AR Inter Tutor Group Reading Competition - we await the results - and also had the opportunity to take part in Literary Character Day, when they were able to dress as a character in texts studied in Key Stage 3, to much amusement!


english faculty in focus

More Things to look forward to in 2019:

Red Nose Day (March 2019)
A whole school Non Uniform Day on Friday 15 March. All pupils have the opportunity to be active citizens and help raise money for those less fortunate than ourselves.

Read about Charities 2018...

raising money

Private Peaceful Trip (May 2019)
Three coachloads of Year 7 pupils will be travelling Belgium, just before the May half term, to follow in the footsteps of Private Peaceful, a young soldier of World War 1.

Read about Private Peaceful 2018...

private peaceful 2018

Aim for the Stars (July 2019)
A week off timetable, full of fun activities encouraging teamwork, resilience, reciprocity, resourcefulness and reflectivity.

Read about Aim for the Stars 2018...

aim for the stars 2018

We encourage all of our pupils to take advantage of opportunities that come their way, both this year and throughout the five years that they are at Deer Park, whether being in sports teams, taking part in music or drama productions, doing the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award, volunteering, or any of the myriad of other opportunities.

As one of our Year 11s commented recently: "I have been lucky enough to have some great experiences at Deer Park, including the musical Footloose, Mock Magistrates Court Competition, guitar lessons, BBC News School Report, School Football team, a really interesting Work Experience, the Private Peaceful trip, Enrichment Week trips to France and Germany, two Spanish Exchange trips, a GCSE History trip to Berlin and I am really looking forward to going on the GCSE Geography trip to Iceland in February!"