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Cirencester Deer Park School

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DofE Training Day

On Friday, 6 May our Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award participants were off timetable and on a planning and preparation Training Day with No Limits Development, a leading provider of DofE Expeditions. Working together in small groups on a glorious sunny day, our pupils had sessions on first aid, food, equipment, tent erecting, map reading, route cards and compass work. 

Overall feedback from the instructors was extremely positive; one instructor came away very impressed, commenting that our pupils were among the nicest  he’d worked with. Other instructor comments included:

The team started the day with clear divide between girls and boys but it was encouraging to see the gender divide being broken down as the day progressed.  All of the team were fun to work with, respectful of others and a credit to their parents and the school.  I am sure they will do well on their practice expedition.


An enthusiastic group, ready and looking for adventure! They will have to control this enthusiasm though so that they stay focussed and on track!


Pupils really enjoyed their experience orienteering in Cirencester Park and most found it a real challenge. Over the course of the day the groups started and completed their route cards and maps, under the guidance of their instructors, in what was a massive learning curve. They all had triumphant smiles at the end of the afternoon.

DofE Training Day May 2016

DofE Training Day May 2016

DofE Training Day May 2016

DofEThe DofE is all about going the extra mile – gaining new skills, pushing yourself physically, helping others and exploring new territories. At the same time, participants gather friendships, experiences and memories that will last a lifetime. Did you do DofE? Do you remember your experiences?

Participants have to complete Volunteering, Physical, Skills and Expedition sections; we cover the latter section at school. During Enrichment Week (4-8 July) our pupils will be doing their one night/two day Practice Expedition, relying on the map work they produced during this initial training, in preparation for their Expedition in September. Participants should be looking to improve their general levels of fitness and increase their stamina by walking regularly and increasing the distance they walk.


Such a fun day, we learnt a lot.





We can’t wait for the real thing!


Luke and Evie