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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Talent Show 2018

Rehearsals and tickets

Back to school after the October half term break and rehearsals for the Deer Park Talent Show 2018 are in full swing. Across the Expressive Arts Faculty at lunchtimes and after school, individuals and groups of pupils are practising their acts for our biennial event which takes place Wednesday 14, Thursday 15 and Friday 16 November, in aid of BBC Children in Need. The House Band (members of the Expressive Arts team and Year 10 pupils) are working hard to learn the songs for acts that require live backing music. On Sunday 11 November all acts will be in school for a scheduled slot at the Technical Rehearsal, along with our Tech Team.

Olivia F and Sophie S in Year 10 write:

This year, many acts have volunteered their time to be involved and take part in the Deer Park Talent Show. As the heats approach, there is a build-up of excitement from the pupils, hoping that they will get the chance to proceed to the final.

The talented Year 7 act TNT (Tim C, Nigel B and Tom W who are a drummer, a pianist, and a guitarist/vocalist) have said that they are "little nervous" but "very excited". The Ashers stated “as soon as we heard about it in assembly, we wanted to join”. These groups, along with many others, are working hard to practice and perfect their routines in anticipation for the event. Contortionist, Poppy S in Year 8, has only been learning her skill for 6 months, although she has been doing gymnastics for 3 years. Year 10 pupil Anna M said “I am looking forward to performing my song to everybody because it will build up my confidence.” She has been planning for the show since the start of the school term, as she "thought that it would be a good experience and that it would be very fun."

To help them prepare, school has organised an additional opportunity on Sunday 11 November for a Technical Rehearsal where they can run through their acts with all of the lights and costumes that have been planned for the night of the heats.

On the nights of the heats, the winner of Talent Show 2016, Emilie T, former Deer Park teacher Miss Dovey, and Jo Chisholm will be judging the performances with a guest on each night: Mr Anzalone, Miss Rubringer and Graham Russell.

Tickets need to be purchased in advance and are on sale now at £5.00 for adults, and £4.50 for under 16s.

Talent Show 2018 rehearsals cirencester deer park school

Talent Show 2018 rehearsals cirencester deer park school

Talent Show 2018 rehearsals cirencester deer park school

Talent Show 2018 rehearsals cirencester deer park school

Talent Show 2018 rehearsals cirencester deer park school

Talent Show 2018 rehearsals cirencester deer park school

Talent Show 2018 rehearsals cirencester deer park school

Heats take place on Wednesday 14 and Thursday 15 November 2018, with the successful acts going through to the final on Friday 16 November 2018, raising money for BBC Children in Need. The shows start at 7pm, with doors open at 6.40pm. We hope to see you there!

Music Teacher Miss Faux comments: “There are some exceptional acts coming through. Pupils are rehearsing during lunchtimes and after school. I am enjoying rehearsals and looking forward to everyone performing."

Deer Park Talent Show
Heat 1: Wednesday 14 November 2018
Heat 2: Thursday 15 November 2018
Final: Friday 16 November 2018

Tickets for the Cirencester Deer Park School Talent Show 2018 are on sale via WisePay (until Wednesday 7 November), in the Atrium at break and from Reception at lunchtimes and after school.

£5 Adults, £4.50 16 and under.

cirencester deer park school expressive arts faculty

children in need