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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Open Mornings & Evening

Cirencester Deer Park School is an exciting place in which to learn and we invite you to see us all in action on Monday 17 or Tuesday 18 September 2018 at one of our Open Mornings (9.15-11.15am) and on Wednesday 26 September 2018 at our Open Evening (6.30-8.30pm).

During both Open Mornings on Monday 17 September and Tuesday 18 September 2018 the school will be in ‘normal session’, but each family will have the opportunity to take a tour in the company of our current pupils who will share their experiences of life and learning at Deer Park.

At our Open Evening on Wednesday 26 September 2018, a strong emphasis will be placed on engagement and active participation, on our 'Festival of Learning'.  Across the school there will be practical learning activities for your child to try and, while they are taking on these new challenges, you will have the opportunity to talk to our subject teachers and learn more about our curriculum, the challenges and support available.

While each event will be very pupil focused, Headteacher, Chiquita Henson, and other members of staff, including our Year 7 Year Leader, Mrs Hannis, will be on hand to respond to any questions you may have regarding the transition to secondary school.

take a closer look - open mornings and open evening

Booking is not required for these September events and all prospective pupils and parents can visit, regardless of year.

This term we are looking forward to celebrating Roald Dahl’s birthday with our new Year 7 pupils on Wednesday 12 September, welcoming former pupil and three-times Olympic gold medallist, Peter Reed, OBE, back to the school on Friday 14 September to officially open our new flagship building which accommodates English, Religious Philosophy and Computing and engaging the whole community of the school in attempt to break a world record as we reflect on World Peace Day, Friday 21 September 2018. Similarly, excitement is building as our pupils begin to rehearse for our Talent Show for Children in Need in November. 

We are proud of our international links. Colleagues from our partner school in Zoetemeer in The Netherlands will be joining us this month to work with our pupils prior to their participation in a model United Nations Conference at Alfrink College in February 2019. Some of our pupils will be taking part in our Spanish Exchange. They will be travelling to meet up with their partners again in Cadiz in October. Others will be working together to raise funds for their trip to Ghana in April 2019. They will be the third team of Year 10 pupils to travel to Woe to volunteer as teaching assistants or community builders.     

As a high performing comprehensive school we challenge all of our pupils to achieve more than they first think they can. In 2018, over 30 pupils attained 5 or more of the top grades (9-7 and/or A*-A) and 6 pupils in our ‘Class of 2018’ secured 9 of the top grades each.

Ofsted (May 2017) recognised that Deer Park is a school with an ‘ethos that pupils, parents and staff all subscribe to enthusiastically and parent feedback consistently indicates high levels of satisfaction:

'Our daughter has experienced an outstanding level of support, amazing teaching and fantastic opportunities.  I have watched the self-doubting girl, who joined you in September 2017, become confident, motivated (to be more than she ever thought she could be), feel valued and inspired. She is keen to tell us about her successes, and equally clear about where she needs to focus in order to improve. I have heard you talking about the importance of developing a growth mindset, so it's wonderful to see those words make such an impact on a young person.’ Year 8 Parent

‘Thank you all so much for all the support you’ve provided our son over the last five years - for giving him your time, your understanding and encouragement, and for occasionally delivering uncomfortable home truths! His GCSE results were far better than he (or we) expected. Whilst he worked solidly and revised incredibly hard from Easter 2017 onwards, he did have several shaky terms prior to that time and there is absolutely no doubt in either his or our minds that he wouldn’t have done as well without all of you. As clichéd as it may sound, you went the extra mile for our son and continue to do the same for every pupil. He’s grown in confidence, become a more independent and resilient learner and is super fired up for college, which is fantastic!’  Class of 2018 Parent


If for any reason you are unable to attend our September Open Mornings or Open Evening, please do not hesitate to contact Allison Boucher, Head’s PA, by email or phone (01285 646558) to arrange an alternative mutually convenient tour of the school.  She will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the admissions process.

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