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Cirencester Deer Park School

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These Girls Can

Celebrating individual sporting achievement by some of our girls.

This term we have real cause to celebrate individual sporting achievement by some of our girls.


On 13 July 2018 Grace P (new Year 11) was running in the Inter Girls 200m heats at the ESAA 2018 Track and Field Championships in Birmingham. What an achievement to get to that level, well done Grace.


Well done to Katie B in (new) Year 10 who has been selected for the JRPC Regional Hockey. This player pathway provides frequent high quality training and best v best competition to support player development. We wish Katie all the best in the future.


Congratulations to Ella K in (new) Year 10 who has qualified for the English Nationals Summer Swimming Championships, in Sheffield in August, where she will be competing in the 50m Freestyle event. Good luck Ella - swim fast!

ella k swimmer june 2018


Excellent news from Tamzin B, also in (new) Year 10, whose progress we have been watching with interest… this summer she hopes to be selected for the Team GB Taewkondo team, aiming for the 2024 Olympic team! Wow! Congratulations!

More recently, on Saturday 21 July, Tamzin came 3rd at the Taekwondo International World Championships in Birmingham.

tamzin taekwondo july 2018

At Deer Park we encourage all our girls, whether individually or in teams, to take part in physical exercise. In school the girls have a rich and diverse curriculum to engage them in sport and the additional  sports that we offer in National School Sport Week, such as Zumba and Taekwondo, and opportunities to do water sports in Year 7 and Year 9 during Enrichment Week, ensures that the girls experience how much fun can be had whilst exercising! A popular addition to the curriculum for girls has been health related exercise and yoga/laughter yoga. At Deer Park the girls can use rowing machines and exercise bikes, take part in HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) sessions and learn to relax. We believe it is essential to equip all our young people with the tools to continue to lead and active and healthy life.

this girl can The nationwide This Girl Can campaign by Sport England aims to get women and girls moving, regardless of shape, size and ability. This Girl Can is a celebration of active girls and women who are doing their thing no matter how well they do it, how they look or even how red their face gets. There are some great inspirational stories and images on This Girl Can and we encourage you and yours to have a look and see if it inspires you to get moving.



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