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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Leaf Structure

Models of leaf structure

In their first Science project of (new) Year 8 with Dr Simpson, pupils at Deer Park coupled scientific understanding with creativity to produce models explaining the structure and function of components found within the cross-section of a leaf. 

Pupils were given free rein in regard to the method chosen, with some producing detailed 3D diagrams and others creating models using materials ranging from clay, sequins and sponges to a stool! It has been lovely to see their varied approaches to the task.

Head of Science, Dr Tipping, commented "The attention to detail of leaves at a cellular level that our pupils have created is exceptional and provide an impressive display within the laboratory.  The models are scientifically accurate and will be useful resources for other classes studying leaf structure and photosynthesis."

y8 science models leaf structure

y8 science homework leaf structure

y8 science homework leaf structure

y8 science homework leaf structure

y8 science homework leaf structure

y8 science homework leaf structure

'I enjoyed making my model because it was fun and I was learning new things.' Lucas J

'I wanted to do something that no-one else would think of and I like to experiment.'  Caylin O

'It was hard thinking on my feet and using a stool to create something I could be proud of, but I really enjoyed it!'  Nyah L

y8 science homework leaf structure

y8 science homework leaf structure
Some of our (new) Year 8 with their Science homework

‘Dr Simpson was obviously delighted to share the pupils’ creative leaf structures with me. I was impressed by the thought the pupils had put into this open-ended task and how they chose to represent their research and understanding. Other pupils have shown curiosity in response to their work and I am sure these colourful cross-sections will prove to be useful resources within our Science faculty and help others learn too.’ Ms Henson, Headteacher