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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Entrepreneurship in the USA

A month in America.

This year we are tremendously proud to send another delegate to the Iacocca Global Entrepreneurship Intensive (formerly The Pennsylvania School of Global Entrepreneurship) at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania for the month of July. 

lehigh university

Louis, from our Class of 2018, will be our 6th representative on this prestigious course and he will be following in the footsteps of Lauren (2013), Ella, Ed (2015), Gemma and Matthew (2017), all of whom gained enormously from this rich international programme which builds confidence and develops business leadership and enterprise skills. Furthermore, on each occasion, Deer Park pupils alone, have represented the UK. They have all studied Business Studies at Deer Park and gone through a rigorous selection process.

Louis says ‘I am really looking forward to the experience. The opportunity to meet and participate in the programme with young people from around the world will be truly amazing. I understand that I am the only person taking part from the UK, which for me makes the adventure even more exciting. I’m sure that it will challenge me but that is the thrill of doing something so out of the normal. Working alongside entrepreneurs will open my eyes to how business really operates. I shall be travelling to the United States on my own and sharing a room with Yulong from China. Add in visits to New York, a water park, and various places in Pennsylvania – I can’t wait! Thank you to Cirencester Deer Park School for introducing me to such an opportunity only a year after the Ghana trip and giving me the confidence to do it. Lucky me!’

LeHigh 2017
Summer 2017 with Gemma and Matt

Students participating in the Iacocca Global Entrepreneurship Intensive will learn about entrepreneurship, globalisation, team building, project management, leadership and working within a culturally diverse environment. They will learn to:

  • evaluate whether an idea has the potential to be a successful innovation,
  • work as part of an international team, and
  • develop a functional business and marketing plan.

The curriculum includes:

  • Core courses in business, ethics, marketing, basic accounting and globalisation taught by Lehigh University faculty and community leaders;
  • Additional courses in specific areas of business such as negotiating, human resources or financial markets;
  • Meetings with entrepreneurs in residence to hear real-life stories of success and lessons learned;
  • Team project to develop a solution for an actual problem facing a local company;
  • Educational field trips to New York City and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania’s capital;
  • Cultural exchanges and other activities.

The highlight of the programme is the team project, where participants work in small groups to apply what they have learned and help a local business solve a problem.

The four week programme is intensive and all delegates are expected to work hard.

‘I was thrilled to learn another of our pupils had been successful in securing a place on this prestigious programme in The United States of America. I am sure given our previous delegates’ experience, Louis will have the time of his life and he will undoubtedly gain invaluable experiences which will contribute to shaping his life and career goals going forward. I look forward to learning more from him on his return. It is definitely something members of our Enrichment Week Enterprise Group should aspire to!’ Chiquita Henson, Headteacher

You can read about previous pupils' experiences on this international programme below:

usa uk flag


cotswold showThis year, we have offered pupils in (new) Year 10 the opportunity to work collaboratively during our annual Enrichment Week to create a company to make and sell products at The Cotswold Show (7-8 July) to raise money for charity under the banner ‘Made by us, sold to help others’. Look out for #CDPSenterprise.