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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Copper Competition

Will wins prize in a national Science competition

Earlier this year, during our Science Faculty in Focus, we encouraged our pupils to take part in a national Uncover Copper Competition, organised with the Royal Society of Chemistry. 

uncover copper competitionYoung people across the country were asked to design a poster that uncovers copper, explaining how copper is used in one of three categories: Health and Medicine, Building Services or Renewable Energy and Transport.  Copper surrounds us. It is in our phones and tablets, the walls of our houses, our hospitals and even inside our bodies, but we rarely notice it.

There were separate competitions for Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4.  We are delighted that Will (new 11TU) won a prize in the Health and Medicine category, coming second place in the Key Stage 4 age group.  In 2017, more than 600 entries were received from 67 schools, so this is a tremendous achievement.

Will's poster highlighted how copper has been used in medicine through History in a very clear, detailed and engaging style.  He wins a £50 prize for himself and £250 for our Science Faculty.  Well done Will! We will be purchasing chromatography equipment that will benefit many of our Chemistry pupils in the future.

Will commented "I chose the Health and Medicine category because it coincided with what I was studying in GCSE History. My design lays out the information simply and I was very surprised, but delighted, to come in second place. I am looking forward to spending the £50!"

copper uncovered competition poster Will

If you did not compete this year, look out for for information in 2019 as we will definitely submit entries next year.  If you did enter but were unsuccessful, thank you.  We were very impressed by the quality and variety of the posters, some of which can be seen below.

Uncover Copper Poster Alex
by Alex (new Year 11)
Uncover Copper Poster
by Odile (new Year 10)
Uncover Copper Poster
by Joanna (new Year 10)
Copper Poster Imogen
Imogen (new Year 11)

You can find out much more about Copper on the Copper Development Association website.