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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Ghana 2018 Trip

Volunteering in West Africa

On Saturday 30 June 2018, 18 pupils in (new) Year 11 and two members of staff will be heading to Ghana, West Africa with African Adventures. Pupils have been been fundraising, gathering donations and team building since the Ghana 2018 project was launched last summer.

This group of pupils will be our second team to travel to Woe in Ghana with African Adventures. You can read about why we give our pupils the opportunity to volunteer in Ghana and our initial trip to Ghana in 2017 on Volunteering in Ghana.

ghana 2018 pingpong ball race
Great Ping Pong Ball Race (June 2018)
ghana 2018 team building parachute games
Team building exercises (June 2018)

ghana flag

african adventures


"I wish our 2018 volunteer team every success in Ghana. I am confident they will be received warmly and have an amazing time. I am very keen to see the progress they are able to make at Dezidi School  and to learn of the developments there since April 2017 when I had the privilege of volunteering alongside our pupils who commended themselves ably as teachers, teaching assistants and community builders."  Chiquita Henson, Headteacher

We will be posting updates throughout the trip, and sharing our stories afterwards, so keep an eye on our blog for more news about our adventures.