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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Raising money for charity

As part of our Humanities Faculty in Focus earlier this year, we ran a series of events and workshops linked to Cambodia and to raising awareness of the Helping Hands charity, where our Head of Humanities, Miss Lillington, volunteered during her sabbatical in 2017 (see

Pupils and staff at Deer Park were challenged to create upcycled money boxes and collect change in a project called 'Change4Change'. Tutor groups worked together in their free time to create some amazing money boxes, reusing a variety of materials, from papier-mâché, empty plastic bottles, broken keyboards, tin cans and much more.

change4change workshop

change4change workshop

change4change money box
Outstanding papier-mâché cat made by Mrs Hoole-Jackson and her tutor group 7LI

A massive thank you to the individuals and tutor groups involved. In Year 7, 7JE raised the most money and had the highest individual contributor, whereas 7LI created the amazing papier-mâché cat money box. 8NI raised the most in Year 8 and 8DO created our favourite Year 8 money box. The ICT Faculty were the winning staff entry with their ingenious 'Penny Wheel'.

change4change money box

change4change upcycled money box

change4change upcycled money box

We raised over £165, which is super! And, together with the money from Vivos and Non School Uniform Day on Friday 23 March 2018, the money raised will really make a difference to the lives of the young people at Prasat Char, Cambodia. Thank you.

Helping Hands Cambodia is a grass roots aid organisation empowering Cambodians living in poverty to help themselves. Visit their Facebook page.