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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Year 10 GCSE PE revision trip to Bath University

university of bathOn Friday 11 May 2018, three members of the Deer Park PE Faculty -  Mr Cumming, Mrs Hacker and  Mr Schlaefli - took 35 Year 10 pupils who are studying GCSE PE to the University of Bath for the day. The aim of the trip was to support pupils with their knowledge and understanding of the theoretical side of their GCSE course and to possibly inspire them to follow a sports-related career.

We travelled by coach to University of Bath, arriving at the campus at 10:15am to meet our lead Sports Scientist for the day. Pupils split into two groups related to their Theory class.

Group 1, with Mr Cumming, went straight down to the Sports Hall for fitness testing. The tests included:

  • Sit and reach
  • 20m sprint test
  • Counter movement jump
  • Yo yo test (a bit like a bleep test)
  • Hand grip dynamometre test, testing both right and left hand grips
  • An agility run, testing both right and left foot turns.

Group 2 took a tour around the campus, giving pupils a feel for the facilities and the opportunity to start understanding how a university is set up. During the campus walk, pupils were able to watch elite athletes using the world-class facilities, including double Olympic Skeleton champion Lizzy Yarnold!

At midday our groups rejoined to have a Question and Answer session with an athlete, Amelia Coltham, who was on the Team GB Skeleton training team. Pupils asked excellent questions and the answers were extremely relevant for their course.

After a walk back past the indoor tennis courts, we were given an hour for lunch. Pupils were allowed to go into the sports canteen where they could overlook the athletics track or have their lunch overviewing the gym. We were able to watch athletes of all standards, from public members to national athletes.

Y10 GCSE PE trip to University of Bath

Y10 GCSE PE trip to University of Bath

Y10 GCSE PE trip to University of Bath

At 1:45pm we entered a lecture where pupils learnt about university life at Bath and the sports facilities on offer. It allowed our pupils to start thinking about a range of sporting careers and the different directions in which they can go. The main focus was looking at individual differences in relation to sport and fitness components. These topics need to be understood for their exam and a lot of practical examples were given that they can use in their answers.

At 2:30pm the groups switched over from tour to testing and vice versa.

This trip was a great success overall and pupils will be able to refer back to this experience when in their exam.

James commented: “It was a good opportunity to see the facilities and how they worked. It was also a really good experience using new equipment and technologies such as speed cameras."

Matt said: “The trip was good fun and I liked it a lot. It was a good insight into how professional sports people train. It inspired me especially being able to watch young children playing tennis to such a high standard.”