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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Year 10 Exams

Year 10 exams this Summer

Most of our Year 10 pupils are sitting the GCSE Religious Studies Short Course this summer, which is half a GCSE. In addition, some pupils are sitting GCSE Statistics. Pupils already have individual (yellow) timetables for these exams.

As well as formal exams, our Year 10 pupils will be sitting a series of 'end of year’ internal Summer exams during May and June and have received their (pink) timetables. These Summer exams will give all pupils the opportunity to experience exams in a formal setting. Pupils will be able to apply their Year 10 learning to questions typical of those that will be in their Summer 2019 GCSE exams.

It is important that pupils plan for these exams, using a revision timetable, to ensure that they are well-prepared. GetRevising includes useful free resources - enabling users to create a personalised revision timetable, in addition to sharing other resources about effective revision. BBC Mindset is another useful site.

Subject teachers are always willing to support pupils with any questions about work, including revising for their subject, so pupils should speak with their teachers if they have any questions or concerns.

The experience of these exams will help pupils consolidate their learning from the past year and contribute to their success in their GCSEs in Summer 2019.

As Deputy Headteacher Mrs Lang has shared with Year 10, "In many different investigations, one characteristic emerged as a significant predictor of success. And it wasn't social intelligence. It wasn't good looks, physical health and it wasn't IQ. It was grit."