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Cirencester Deer Park School

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DofE Bronze Awards

Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award presentations

On Thursday 28 March 2018, the Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Year 10 cohort gathered to celebrate the successful completion of their Bronze Award at our annual presentation evening. Participants and their parents were joined by Deer Park DofE Coordinator Mr Reed, Headteacher Ms Henson and our guest speaker, Rich Whincup. Rich is an inspirational individual who shared the story of his challenge in overcoming a significant stammer during adolescence, and reflected upon the emboldening experiences the DofE scheme had provided to him, as he achieved the Gold Award.

DofE logo

DofE Bronze Award

In addition to presenting badges and certificates to our successful participants, Mr Reed reflected upon the pride and admiration he had for our pupils, having seen 54 out of 55 complete successfully.

DofE presentation evening 2018

Daniel and Charlie presented their hugely impressive video diary, which had been skilfully put together by Kit during their final Qualifying Expedition, whilst Tilly shared her experiences of completing the Volunteering, Physical and Skill sections, with the gathered audience.

"It was a great opportunity, where I got to learn a lot of new, useful skills. I really enjoyed the experience and I think it will help me going forward as I face new challenges." Daniel

“It was an extraordinarily fantastic experience which I will treasure for the rest of my life.” Tilly

Ms Henson closed the evening by congratulating all those in attendance and reinforcing the valuable experiences and skills the participants have accrued whilst working towards this prestigious accolade. Well done all of you!

2017 practice expedition

2017 practice expedition

2017 practice expedition

Read about our Year 10s Expedition in September 2017.

Each autumn we launch the DofE programme to our Year 9 pupils, who complete the Skill, Physical, and Volunteering sections in their own time and who complete their Expedition with school and an outside agency, No Limits Development. Year 9 participants will be carrying out their training and practice expedition during Enrichment Week, week commencing Monday 2 July 2018.