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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Big Bang Fair

Year 7/8 trip to The Big Bang Fair 2018 in Birmingham.

On Wednesday 14 March 2018, the Deer Park Science Faculty took members of the Year 7 Science Club and 44 Year 8 pupils who had been nominated by their teacher for consistent outstanding effort in their Science lessons this year, to the Big Bang Fair at the NEC Birmingham.

The Big Bang UK Young Scientists & Engineers Fair is the largest celebration of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) for young people in the UK.

Pupils were able to get involved with a range of exciting activities. These included live theatre shows, interactive workshops and exhibits as well as learning about careers in Science and talking to experts in their fields. I particularly liked the demonstration of levitating metal using liquid Nitrogen, run by the University of Warwick. Kate in Year 8 said "I thought the Big Bang Fair was amazing! You could take part in so many activities and you could learn about so many different things."

big bang fair march 18
Miss Smith holding a Hissing Cockroach

"It was a great day out! It was really fun and I got to know what a career in Science would be like. My favorite part was where you had to catch pieces of paper in a nuclear fission simulator. We had great fun and would love to go again." Thomas (Year 8)

big bang fair march 18
One of our Year 8s showing off her slimy free gift!
big bang fair march 18
Some of our Year 7 Science Club learning about light
big bang fair march 18
Year 7 Science Club members learning how to measure their heart rates
big bang fair march 18
Year 8s show off their free goodies

Pupils were also inspired by the competition exhibits run by other schools from around the country and being able to talk to other young scientists. Pupils were a credit to the school and their behaviour was impeccable. It was an absolutely fabulous day and I would like to take this opportunity to thank the pupils and staff involved for their contribution.

Mrs Sarna
Science Teacher