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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Being a Teenager!

BBC News School Report: Life and stress of a teenager

by Jack in Year 8

When you become a teenager, your life changes massively. The way you act changes, your emotions change and how you treat other people, like your family, changes.

Teenagers get more stressed due to your body changing. Some causes include:

  • Academic stress
  • Physical stress
  • Social stress

And many more…

Each year group at Deer Park has a Year Leader. I spoke to the Year 8 Year Leader, Miss Stephens, about her opinion on how teenagers are. She said  "Year 8 is considered the 'lost year' by Ofsted, but I believe Year 8 is a year for opportunity and reflection. Pupils are becoming young adults and are more aware of their feelings and emotions, which they in turn need to learn to master. As Year Leader, I am here to assist and guide my year group them in doing so.”

As teenagers get more stressed, their lives change. Some of the reasons are:

  • the amount of sleep they get during school days and weekends
  • Hormone changes. It can cause anxiety, depression and many more.
  • Teens don’t control their life. Many aspects are decided at school, what lessons to study and what to wear.
  • Teenagers like to be different from the crowd, but at the same time, they want to fit in with everyone else. They often face pressure from peers, parents and society.
  • And finally, the wrath of an uncertain future of job security. They either face the pressure of a face-to-face interview or are subject to online assessment.

Although being a teenager can be a difficult time in your life, it can also provide some of your best memories later on, so make sure you do as much as you can while you are young!