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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Change for Change

BBC News School Report: Change for Change Cambodia

As part of our Humanities Faculty in Focus, Deer Park School ran a number of events and workshops during week commencing 5 March, all linked to Cambodia and to raising awareness of the Helping Hands charity, where our Head of Humanities Miss Lillington volunteered during her sabbatical in 2017.

On Monday Miss Bluett (Geography) ran an Upcycling Workshop where pupils had the opportunity to turn old materials into money boxes for collecting 1ps, 2ps, 5ps. There were some really creative ideas and the pupils created a range of decorative upcycled change holders, including jars, tins and bottles.

change4change march 18

change4change march 18

Tuesday was all about a Taste of Cambodia. Miss Lillington (Head of Humanities) and Mrs Buckley (Geography), with the help of Mrs Dovey-Walker, ran two Cambodian cooking workshops, one for each Key Stage. The pupils worked together as a team to prepare the ingredients and to cook Sweet Potato and Green Bean Amok (Cambodian curry) with jasmine rice. The pupils also made some delicious fresh spring rolls with a chilli dipping sauce. Sadly we didn’t have time to make the Cambodian Limeade but the pupils enjoyed the food they had cooked and working together.

change4change march 18

change4change march 18

change4change march 18

change4change march 18

The final workshop was all about Forming Friendships. Miss Hickey (History) led the session of friendship bracelet making in the colours of the Cambodia flag. The pupils also had the chance to write a letter to a student at the Helping Hands project in Cambodia. These will be popped in the post and hopefully we will get some replies and some new friendships formed.

change4change march 18

Year 11 Geographers have also had the opportunity to find out more about Cambodia during Geography lessons. As part of the GCSE scheme of work on development we have been focusing in on Cambodia as an example of a Low Income Developing Country. Year 11 pupils had the chance to ask an expert and send a question to Sita Van Hirst, the project manager at Helping Hands in Cambodia, about the NGO and the work the charity does in Cambodia to help smash the poverty cycle. Additionally, Year 11 are invited to a film screening on Friday 16 March after school.

"I have really enjoyed bringing a little bit of Cambodia into the school and giving the pupils the opportunity to find out more about this fascinating country. The deadline for the Change for Change competition is Monday 26 March – I can’t wait to see the creativity of the pupils and staff in their change holders!" Miss Lillington, Head of Humanities