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GCSE Art MoSaic Project

BBC News School Report: GCSE Art Mosaic Project

As part of BBC News School Report 2018, this article has been written by Kenneth in Year 10 and Mrs Evans, Head of Design

"We can choose to stand tall and see life as the colourful and unique mosaic it really is."

A mosaic is a piece of art made from assemblage of small pieces of coloured glass, stone, or other materials. Many of the mosaics are made of small, flat, roughly square, pieces of stone or glass of different colours, known as tesserae.

On Wednesday 28 February 2018, fifteen Year 10 GCSE Art pupils took part in an Art Mosaic Workshop. They were initially instructed by mosaic artist Sadie, who demonstrated the techniques and equipment they would be using. Prior to this the pupils had worked together designing the mosaics, thinking about the Abbey 900 celebrations and what images would be suitable to use.  Niamh's team looked at the wildlife in the park and selected a swan as the main feature for their mosaic.  Susan's team chose a more abstract image based on a stain glass window. Jim's team wanted something more quirky and designed a swan playing a guitar in a bandstand.  All were very successful and demonstrated great reciprocity between the pupils. 

y10 mosaic workshop feb 18

y10 mosaic workshop feb 18

Sadie demonstrated the techniques and equipment and let the pupils get on, cutting their own tiles to suit their designs.  The mosaics soon took shape as the pupils discussed the different colour combinations.   

y10 art mosaic project

​y10 art mosaic project feb 18

y10 art mosaic project

​y10 art mosaic project feb 18

We were joined in the afternoon by Debbie Sterling, who helped the pupils complete their pieces. The final pieces need grouting, then they will be on display in the Abbey grounds, hopefully during the Easter holidays. 

Mrs Evans said "I am very proud of our pupils, they behaved impeccably and worked very hard to finish the mosaics in one day.  Sadie and Debbie's comments were very complimentary, and they were exceptionally pleased with the final outcomes."    

Niamh: “I really enjoyed today - it was a great opportunity to explore another area of art.”

​y10 art mosaic project feb 18

​y10 art mosaic project feb 18

Jim: “I really enjoyed doing my first mosaic as it was completely different to anything I have done before.”

​y10 art mosaic project feb 18

Rosie: “I enjoyed this project because it allowed me to take a step back from my GCSE’s and concentrate on expressing my creativity.”

May: “Overall I found the whole experience very enjoyable and useful for art lessons.”