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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Brilliant Club

Year 9 pupils graduate with The Brilliant Club!

On Monday 19 February 2018, twelve of our Year 9 pupils travelled to Keble College, University of Oxford where they graduated from The Brilliant Club Scholars Programme. Congratulations to you all! Thank you Miss Alvey and Ms Thomas from our Science Faculty for accompanying them to Oxford.

This group of pupils have been working very hard over the last two months with help from their PhD mentor researcher Lucy Holloway from the University of Bristol. The pupils have been preparing a dissertation and information poster on the classification of different species. These pupils have had to be very resilient and resourceful and have shown great commitment to the programme, attending study sessions after school run by Dr Long.

Our 12 pupils had to go through a rigorous application process and were chosen from 40 applicants. Although university may not be for everyone, The Scholars Programme aims to give pupils an experience of university learning to help them make an informed decision about their further education. It also allows them to study different topics in greater depth than time allows for in school with an expert in the field. Our pupils have enjoyed the tutorials and the trips to the Universities immensely.

Tara: ‘I enjoyed the trips to the universities because it gave me an insight into university life. The tutorials were very informative and the essays were challenging but helped me to improve my writing skills which I can use in the future.‘

Year 9 Brilliant Club feb 18

Year 9 Brilliant Club feb 18

Connor: ‘Brilliant Club was a very challenging but fun experience. I’m glad I finished it as the skills it taught me will help me in the future.’

I was delighted to learn of our pupils’ success within The Brilliant Club for the second year running. The programme, aimed at challenging our high prior attaining pupils in Year 9, develops their independent study skills. They need to be resourceful and reflective. The opportunity to work alongside, and as assistants to, a postgraduate student at the University of Bristol has provided them with valuable insights into the academic world. They are definitely to be commended on their achievement of their ‘degree classifications’!

Ms Henson, Headteacher

We are very proud of your achievements and hope that you enjoyed the experience!

Mrs Sarna, Science Teacher