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Cirencester Deer Park School

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High Achievers

On Tuesday 6 February 2018, we welcomed over 100 Year 11 pupils and parents to our High Achievers' Seminar.

Pupils and parents were able to hear presentations from Mrs Pennington (Head of Maths) and Mrs Davies (Head of English) on top tips for achieving the top grades in the Summer exams. We were fortunate to welcome Mike Cadman, one of the pastoral leaders from Cirencester College, who presented a session on applying for university with specific reference to what the top universities, including the Russell Group institutions, were looking for.

The evening was valued by both pupils and parents. One parent commented “Thank you all for the time and thought that you put in to planning for Tuesday evening... my son said he felt a bit out of his depth before the session started, but he came away feeling better in himself and more confident that he’s doing a great many of the right things to achieve the grades he wants in the Summer.”

Mr Johnson, Assistant Head, who hosted the evening, said “This important event in the Deer Park calendar supports our pupils who are working at, or have the ambition to gain, the top GCSE grades. The evening was packed with golden nuggets of advice that will give our pupils the confidence to achieve more than they first thought possible.”

The evening was topped off with a presentation on exam techniques and how the latest scientific research can help young people shape their revision.

Cirencester College are holding a High Achievers Academy Information Evening on Wednesday 7 March, 6.00-7.30pm

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