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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Safer Internet Day 

Reinforcing online safety.

In lessons during Safer Internet Day, Tuesday 6 February 2018, Key Stage 3 pupils at Cirencester Deer Park School revisited issues around online safety. In addition to the Sextortion assemblies delivered by Gloucestershire Police this week to pupils in all year groups, pupils in Years 7-9 are spending time in their ICT lessons this week looking at Cyber Bullying and ways to maintain healthy relationships with digital devices.

We have been exploring the notion of ‘nomophobia’ and how it might relate to pupils' own relationship with technology. Pupils have been thinking about the saying ‘Do more of the things that make you forget to check your phone’ and about the activities that mean more to them than social media. They have been using copyright free images and creating slogans to promote the idea of phone-free fun!

safer internet day feb 18 slogan

safer internet day feb 18 slogan

safer internet day feb 18 slogan

safer internet day feb 18 slogan

Cyber Bullying
A powerful short video from the BBC called 'The best and worst of life online' shows some of the comments that young people experience online. Watch the video...

Take the Quiz
The UK Safer Internet Centre, organisors of Safer Internet Day, have published a quiz looking at how the internet affects your day to day life and your friendships online. Designed for 8-13 year olds, it can be played by anyone. Take the Quiz...

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