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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Pretty in Pink!

To raise awareness of World Cancer Day and to raise funds for Cancer Research UK, Senior Year Leader (Year 7) at Cirencester Deer Park School, Mrs Hannis, came to school on Monday 5 February 2018 dressed from top to toe in pink!

raising money for cancer research uk

Most people will have someone close to them affected by cancer and Mrs Hannis is no exception.  She said, ‘Having lost a family member from cancer last year I felt this was the year I needed to do something to raise awareness and funds, and working in a school gives me the perfect excuse to go bonkers in pink!  I did however have to get special dispensation from Headteacher Chiquita Henson to temporarily have pink hair in school.’

Last week Mrs Hannis talked with Key Stage 3 pupils in assemblies about the importance of raising funds to support the research being done to find a cure for cancer, highlighting the many ways that people can get involved in raising funds.

cancer research ukMrs Hannis raised her target of £500 for Cancer Research UK through donations from pupils, colleagues, friends and family, and is grateful to everyone who has helped her to reach her own personal goal.