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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Ghana 2018

In July 2018 a group of our Year 10 pupils will be travelling on a volunteering project to Ghana.

african adventuresFollowing our initial Year 10 trip to Ghana in April 2017 - when Headteacher, Chiquita Henson, and three other members of staff accompanied 25 Year 10 pupils on a journey of a lifetime - we have teamed up with African Adventures again to offer Ghana 2018 and Ghana 2019 volunteering opportunities.

Our Year 10 Ghana 2018 group have been working hard to raise funds for their trip which departs Saturday 30 June, just before Enrichment Week. In December, they created Christmas hampers and sold sweet treats, raising £235, and they have made the most of INSET days by washing staff cars.

Participating pupils and parents have been having fun getting to know each other in our team building sessions and have been finding out more about the trip from our African Adventures coordinator, Lucy.

Upcoming fundraising events include:

  • Ping Pong Ball Race: 1,000 ping pong balls are numbered and will be released to roll down a steep hill once we have sold all of the numbers. Each number costs £1 and if your number reaches the bottom of the hill first, you win £100! There are still lots of numbers up for grabs and parents and pupils can buy numbers from our Ghana 2018 team at any of our upcoming Parents' Evenings this term or pupils can buy numbers via Miss Bluett (Humanities Faculty) or Mrs Mackew (Year 10 Year Leader, Upper Pastoral Office). Race date TBC.
  • legally blonde jrLegally Blonde Jr: We will be selling popcorn and pick'n'mix sweets at the production of our upcoming whole school musical Legally Blonde Jr which takes place after half term on Wednesday 21, Thursday 22 and Friday 23 February
  • Quiz Night: On Saturday 24 February we are holding a fun Quiz Night in the school Main Hall. Doors open at 7pm for 7.30pm start and tickets are available on WisePay, as well as through parents of the Ghana group. Ticket price (£10) includes a pie and a pint. Over 18s only. Tables of 8. 
  • ghana flagGhanaian Independence Celebrations: On 6 March 1957, Ghana gained independence from the UK and now celebrates Independence Day on 6 March each year. Our Canteen will be serving some Ghanaian-themed food on Tuesday 6 March, there will be additional fun activities, and a cake sale - because we all love cake!

Individually, pupils who are part of this trip are raising funds through a variety of methods, such a 100km bike ride, Zumba sesssions, money from part-time jobs and asking for donations in place of Christmas/birthday presents.

"I'm really looking forward to my Ghana volunteering trip, I think it will be an amazing experience and something I will never get the chance to do again. We have been doing lots of fundraising,  like car washing and cake sales to raise money for our trip, and we are all really excited!" Eliot

Our Ghana volunteers are set very clear challenges and targets to achieve. Once in Ghana our pupils will gain valuable insights into Ghanaian life and culture. They demonstrate resilience and resourcefulness both before they leave and once in West Africa. Working as ‘teachers’, teaching assistants, community builders and sports leaders, our volunteers will make a significant contribution to their assigned projects near the coastal community of Woe.