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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Maths Faculty in Focus

During January 2018 our Maths Faculty was focused on Maths in the world of Construction.

Throughout week commencing Monday 8 January, our pupils had the opportunity to take a tour of our own onsite new build. The new block will house our English Faculty on the ground floor and Computer Science, RP and Citizenship on the first floor. Did you know that there are 800 metres, approximately ½ mile, of containment being used (that is nearly the length of 9 football pitches!) or that 1,000 penny washers are needed and if you placed them all on top of each other into a tower it would be over 2 metres tall?

New build Jan 18

New build Jan 18

New build Jan 18

"It was good on the tour as you got to look inside and see how much work has gone in to it." Matthew, Year 10 

The following week pupils listened to Chris Edwards, the Contracts Manager of our onsite new build, being interviewed in assemblies about how Maths is used in all the different jobs that take place on a construction site. We put this into action during themed lessons that all pupils experienced. We dug out our tool boxes and donned our hard hats to explore Maths in the world of construction in more detail. Activities included building the tallest possible tower from a single sheet of A4 paper and modelling the test for stretchiness in materials using jelly sweets.

Maths Faculty in Focus jan 18

Maths Faculty in Focus jan 18

Maths Faculty in Focus jan 18

Maths Faculty in Focus jan 18

Maths Faculty in Focus jan 18

‘It was fun and an interesting way to show how Maths applies to different jobs.’ Kyra Y9

‘I really enjoyed the Maths in Focus lesson because I learnt a lot about measurements and it was fun to do it with sweets.’ Odile Y9

During the final week of Maths Faculty in Focus, pupils tackled construction-themed puzzles during tutor time to win daily prizes. Well done to 10DO who submitted correct entries every day to win the overall prize for the week.

‘I really enjoyed doing the puzzles in tutor time, they were challenging but fun.’ Lily Y9

‘The puzzles in tutor allowed my brain to wake up and be ready for lessons.’ Alex Y9

However, it was not just the pupils competing for prizes, our staff were also testing their Maths skills over the week when they took on the job of Project Manager for a garden makeover. Mr David in Science took home the first prize of a National Garden Centre voucher for making sure the makeover came in under budget.

‘I look forward to Maths Faculty in Focus every year and thoroughly enjoy doing it! I love logical challenges and it is nice to do something that is a change from the norm and my tutor group do as well -  both of us won prizes this year! It is also nice to have a practical application of a subject in our everyday lives and I used a lot of these skills in my own garden makeover last year!’ Mr David

Maths Faculty in Focus jan 18

Maths Faculty in Focus jan 18

Maths Faculty in Focus jan 18

Even the Maths Faculty food for staff break on Friday 19 January was Construction-themed!