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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Mock Interviews

During Wednesday 10 and Thursday 11 January 2018, our Year 11 pupils had the opportunity to rehearse highly important life skills as they experienced Mock Interviews

Having prepared for the interviews beforehand, on the day they met with someone for the first time from the wider community. The two days were expertly planned and organised by Mrs Hughes and Mrs Grinnell in our Administration Office and coordinated on the day by Mrs Burfoot, Senior Year Leader.

Having the opportunity to come to school in smart dress gave many a real confidence boost and our Year 11s had produced excellent draft CVs to support their interview.  Feedback from our pupils and our guest interviewers has been really positive. 

y11 mock interviews january 2018

I really enjoyed the experience. I was nervous but my interviewer was lovely and really helpful.”

y11 mock interviews january 2018

y11 mock interviews january 2018

My interview went really well. He commented on how good my CV was and how he could not believe everything I had done.” 

y11 mock interviews january 2018

We are very grateful for the support of our interviewers; without their donation of time and expertise, we could not run this type of event and give our young people this brilliant opportunity. Many of our interviewers commented on how much they had enjoyed the process and enjoyed meeting our pupils. They said that that our Year 11s were a credit to the school.

Y11 mock interviews january 2018

Y11 mock interviews january 2018

Y11 mock interviews january 2018

“I was particularly pleased and proud to see the level of effort that this year group have gone to for their interviews both in preparation and on the day. I was thrilled with such positive feedback from our guest interviewers,” said Mrs Burfoot, Senior Year Leader.