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Cirencester Deer Park School

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School Open: Tuesday

School will be OPEN on Tuesday.

Following Sunday’s heavy snowfall in the Cotswolds and our decision to close the school on Monday 11 December 2017, we are pleased to confirm the school will be open for business as usual on Tuesday 12 December.  

Our site team worked exceptionally hard throughout the day on Monday 11 December to clear the drives, pathways and car parking spaces. However, staff, pupils and parents will need to take great care in the morning owing to the freezing temperatures forecast for overnight. 

To ensure our pupils are dressed for the cold weather, we advise pupils and their parents that Tuesday 12 December will be a day of NON UNIFORM. All pupils are strongly advised to wear trousers and sturdy footwear such as wellington/snow/walking boots. Furthermore, we encourage them to bring a change of clothes in case they get wet and shoes for indoors.

Owing to the volume of snow that has been moved by our snow plough and shovelled by our site team’s spades, we are concerned to ensure we get the balance between having fun and staying safe right. Therefore, additional staff will be on duty and we are appealing to all of our pupils for their cooperation. We respectfully ask that our pupils abide by our school standards and that no compacted snow or ice is thrown.

In recognition of the snow and its infrequent occurance, we will be setting aside supervised areas for snowballs and snow sculptures at break and lunchtime and, as in a previous year of wintery weather, we will be holding a competition for the best snow sculpture!

Regrettably, we have had to postpone the two Year 7 town trips that were scheduled to take place on Monday 11 and Tuesday 12 December. Pupils in Year 7 should therefore make sure they are equipped for a normal day in school. These trips will be rescheduled in the New Year. However, we are delighted the Carol Service in the Parish Church will still be going ahead as planned at 7pm on Tuesday 12 December. Reheasals will be taking place in school rather than at the church, so pupils will finish their day at school as usual. We are looking forward to celebrating the Christmas message. The frost and snow will no doubt add to the festive mood!

We assure you that we consider a number of factors before taking the decision to close the school and only do so in exceptional circumstances. We liaise closely with Cirencester College and Kingshill School and appreciate fully the impact it has on families and our local community.


Alexcars have advised us that their Birdlip service will run Tuesday morning but it will only be picking up in Birdlip, not other villages, due to road conditions. Pulhams Coaches will not be operating their Birdlip service at all in the morning. Other bus operators have not yet advised us of any cancellations but this will depend on road conditions in the morning and it is possible that routes using minor roads which are untreated will not be served. Please check with the bus operator direct.

The main companies providing services to the school are: 


Please remember that if your child is unable to attend school, you should advise the school of their absence. Reception will be open from 08:15 but is likely to be busy, so if you cannot get through, please be patient. You can also leave a message on the answerphone before this time. Our number is 01285 653447.