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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Mock GCSEs

Year 11 pupils start their Mock GCSE Exams.

During week commencing Monday 13 November a number of our Year 11 pupils started their Mock GCSE Exams with 10 hours of GCSE Art or GCSE Textiles. Pupils are showing a great deal of resilience and confidence in undertaking these challenges.

Our mock exams represent a vital part of the preparation process ahead of final GCSE examinations in the Summer of 2018 and we remind parents and pupils to take the time to read and discuss the exams statutory documents. We expect all exam candidates to know and adhere strictly to the rules. The Exams Boards will routinely disqualify candidates who break the rules.

The bulk of the mock exams start on Wednesday 22 November with English Language Paper 1 and the last exams are on Friday 8 December. This intense mock timetable offers our young people an insight into the workload they will have during May and June, whilst offering the opportunity to trial their revision techniques and test out the effectiveness of their revision timetables.

Subject teachers are the best source of information for pupils wishing to confirm and clarify subject-specific information and the location of helpful resources. Pupils should access iDeer for past papers and guidance. GCSE Bitesize and GetRevising are useful generic online resources, whilst Mathswatch and Corbett Maths will help aid maths revision.

Pupils will benefit from all the support you can offer them at home and having a quiet place to study is of crucial importance to their preparations. Year 11 have the full support of our Pastoral team and we wish them the very best of luck for the next few weeks!

Many of our Year 11 pupils have told us how hard they are revising and we encourage them to continue being resourceful and resilient and look forward to sharing their results with them on Friday 5 January 2018

Mr Bellamy, Pastoral Team Leader