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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Charity News

Encouraging our pupils to be active citizens and think about others less fortunate than ourselves.

At Cirencester Deer Park School, we support a number of local, national and international charities each year. In Citizenship and PSHEe lessons, our pupils learn about themselves and the role they play in the world. Pupils are encouraged to be active citizens through being a volunteer (whether through Duke of Edinburgh Award or just being a good neighbour), campaign through the School Council for change and fundraise through cake sales or guess the teddy bear’s name for charities such as Children in Need.


Shoebox Appeal

Our school community has been busy over the past few weeks gathering items and packing boxes to send to the Link to Hope Family and Elderly Shoebox Appeal. 2017 is the fourth year that we have supported this charity which helps people in Eastern Europe and this year, together with Powell's Primary School, we have collected over 145 shoeboxes. Our thanks to pupils, parents and staff who have helped us create boxes full of smiles for families and elderly people in Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova and Ukraine.

link to hope shoebox appeal 2017

link to hope shoebox appeal 2017

link to hope shoebox appeal 2017

Miss Hope, who has coordinated the shoebox appeal this year, said “I am really grateful that our pupils and their families have engaged in the shoebox appeal with such generosity. It is so important that we think of others who struggle living in the most difficult conditions at this time of year. I am looking forward to our Christmas Jumper Day on Thursday 14 December, where the focus will be on  supporting our local foodbank that helps people who are in crisis.”

Charities Day

As usual, this term we are supporting a local, a national and an international Charity, chosen by our School Council and School Presidents. Through donation of Vivos, a Charities and Non Uniform Day on Friday 24 November with stalls selling cakes sales and other activities, we will be raising money for the following charities:

Our pupils have been invited to talk with the Pastoral teams if they have ideas for stalls that they would like to run to raise money on this Charities Day. Mr Reed, Assistant Pastoral Team Leader, comments "Over the past few years, the pupils of Deer Park have contributed a variety of different stalls and events to Charities Day, and have shown themselves to be extremely generous in the way in which they donate both their time and their money. I am sure that this Charities Day will be no different!"

Whilst Headteacher Ms Henson was in Ghana with a group of our current Year 11s earlier this year (read about the Ghana 2017 trip), they visited a remote rural village called Lolito, where all our volunteers were really touched by the warm welcome and great needs of this small community. Read more...

In addition to Non Uniform Day, we will be doing a bucket collection for BBC Children in Need at our Legally Blonde Jr Taster Evening on Thursday 16 November.


Christmas Jumper Day

For the third year running, we will be holding a charity Christmas Jumper Day on the day of our Christmas Lunch, Thursday 14 December 2017.

Pupils will be able to bring in food items or pay to wear a festive jumper instead of their school jumper for the day. This is a fun opportunity to borrow, buy or bling up a jumper, though obviously not a school jumper! Staff and pupils will spread some festive cheer, raise smiles and funds for Save the Children and food items for Cirencester Foodbank.

xmas jumper day
Read about our Christmas Jumper Day 2016.