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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Year 10 Geographers

Year 10 GCSE Geography pupils investigate Bristol.

On Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 October, two groups of Year 10 GCSE Geographers left Deer Park for the first fieldwork experience of their GCSE course. The aim of the trip was to practice fieldwork skills, which are examined across the first two GCSE papers from the OCR Geography for Enquiring Minds specification.

Our pupils collected a variety of primary data over the two days, including pedestrian and traffic counts, decibel readings, land use mapping and questionnaires. When back in school, Geographers are to compile this primary data and complete an enquiry about Bristol as a sustainable city – noting its ranking as a cycling city and listing on the Sustainable Cities Index!

Geography really was in action as we departed for Bristol on the Monday, with the appearance of the mysterious red sun. Fascinated by the eeriness of the skies, pupils were also braced for strong winds as we ventured around the city collecting data. Amidst the wild weather, spirits were high and pupils were able to practise vital skills in preparation for their exams.

y10 geography gcse trip bristol october 2017

Y10 Geography Trip Bristol October 2017

Y10 Geography Trip Bristol October 2017

Y10 Geography Trip Bristol October 2017

Y10 Geography Trip Bristol October 2017

Over the two days, our Geographers’ behaviour was impeccable and a true credit to Deer Park. I would like to extend thanks to parents and staff who assisted over the two day – these trips cannot go ahead without your support.

“The trip has really helped to prepare me for the exams.” Aaron

“I gained a lot of knowledge and it was an enjoyable trip.” Luca

“I found the Geography trip to Bristol educational and it helped with my understanding. Mrs Buckley helped to explain the booklets and what to do – we also had free time over lunch which was good to explore a part of the city.” Alice

The next Year 10 GCSE Geography trip will be to the south coast - Durdle Door, Lulworth Cove and Swanage Bay - in the Summer term. Our Geography curriculum develops an awareness of how the world is changing and allows pupils to understand the implications of these changes for themselves and others. By studying Geography, pupils will build an understanding about their place in the world.

Our Head of Humanities, Miss Lillington, is currently on sabbatical, travelling the world until the end of December, working with charities and blogging about her travels. At the time of writing she is in Japan. You can follow her on

We are currently planning our annual delegation to The Netherlands for the Model United Nations Alfrink (MUNA) conference in February 2018, after half term, with Year 10 pupils across the school being offered the chance to apply.

Continuing our International School theme, and following the Ghana 2017 trip at Easter this year, fundraising is underway for our Year 10 Ghana 2018 trip, which takes place in July 2018. A group of pupils in Year 9 are already signed up for the Ghana 2019 trip.

All pupils at Deer Park have the opportunity to take part in some amazing curricular and extra curricular activities, both in this country and further afield.