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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Email Newsletter

This September we are introducing a new system for our weekly email newsletter to parents, which we send each Friday afternoon during term time.

Parents should receive an email inviting them to subscribe to our email newsletter. This link will take you to a simple Signup form, where you need to insert your email address and name. Having then confirmed that you are not a robot, you will receive an Opt-In confirmation email, which you should action to confirm your subscription to our newletter list.

We hope you will find our weekly emails informative and useful.  They will flag upcoming events and make you aware of letters issued to parents and other important information. Remember that you can also check school news on our website and on Twitter @CDPStoday.

Under the new system, if you do not sign up, you will not receive our school newsletter.

If you are a parent who has not received the email invitation, please email 'mailinglist'.

Thank you for your co-operation and support.

Cirencester Deer Park School Newsletter #1: Welcome (Friday 8 September 2017)