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Cirencester Deer Park School

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WOrk Experience

Our new Year 11 year group embraced the challenge and opportunity of their Work Experience week with anticipation and excitement. 

Through the heat and sunshine of the week commencing 3 July, pupils donned the appropriate wear of their chosen professions. From a variety of early years’ settings, car garages, hairdressers, ICT and marketing companies, garden centres, photography studios, watersports centres, cafes and shops (to name but a few) our oldest year group were ‘let loose’ on Cirencester, the surrounding area, Nottingham and London. Whilst some pupils were challenged by dangerous fish and hammers, they all adapted to their new environments, thought on their feet and improvised to synthesise the new information and overcome the challenges facing them.

The members of staff who had the pleasure of spending their week visiting our young people (Mrs Burfoot, Ms Henson, Mrs McPherson, Mrs Gordon, Mrs Davies and Miss Brace), were overwhelmed by the positivity and professionalism our pupils impressed upon their employers. Many companies commented on how pleased they were with our pupils and, in many cases, how they were the best they had ever had on work experience.

Work Experience 2017

Work Experience 2017

Work Experience 2017

Work Experience 2017

Work Experience 2017

Work Experience 2017

Mrs Burfoot (Senior Year Leader and Work Experience Co-ordinator) said “I was thrilled by the variety of placements and how well suited each of our pupils were in these settings. I was extremely proud to hear such immediate positive feedback during the visits.”

Many of our pupils have impressed so much that they have been offered part time work as a result of their mature approach this week. One employer commented “what a delight it has been to have him with us. As well as meeting, and in many cases exceeding, the levels I expect in all the fundamentals such as attendance, timekeeping, and personal presentation, he has seriously impressed me with his enthusiasm, confidence, preparation for the placement, and ability to complete all tasks given to a high standard. He displays traits that I do not even see in many individuals who are a good few years older than he.”

It was a privilege to visit so many of our pupils during their week’s Work Experience. I was impressed by their confidence and enthusiasm for the tasks and projects they had been given. These ranged from window displays and ‘mood boards’ to setting up an internet radio station and accompanying younger children on school trips. They were all highly commended on their initiative and the ways in which they had embraced new challenges individually and as a part of a wider team. They showed tremendous resilience and accepted responsibility. Those in primary schools were developing the skills they had already acquired through their engagement in activities such as sports’ leadership, the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award and volunteering in Ghana. 

Chiquita Henson, Headteacher

We would like to take this opportunity to offer our thanks and appreciation to the employers and companies that accommodated our pupils this week.  Our pupils have had such a rewarding and exciting experience because of the commitment of those people that have spent their time with them.