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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Art in CorNwall

Cornish Artistic Adventure during Enrichment Week, week commencing Monday 3 July

On Monday 3 July 27 pupils and 3 staff headed to our base for 4 days on the Lizard Peninsular, Cornwall. Having unpacked, we walked down to the harbour and beach at Coverack (since then in the news due to flash floods) to make sculptures on the sand. Evenings during the week fell into a relaxed routine of opportunities to work on sketchbooks and participate in activities in the grounds of our accommodation.

Enrichment Week 2017 Cornwall

Enrichment Week 2017 Cornwall

Tuesday saw us in St Ives for a guided walk, a Sketch and Stroll workshop with the School of Painting and a visit to Tate St Ives and to the Barbara Hepworth Museum and Sculpture Garden. We had a picnic lunch on the beach and later in the afternoon were able to explore some of the shops and small galleries. Wednesday we spent the day at The Eden Project - created by Tim Smit - exploring the massive biomes, which hold the largest indoor rainforest, and gardens. After a lovely morning on the beach at Coverack on Thursday, we travelled back to Gloucestershire. Friday was another artistic day - in the Art Department at school - spent making art work, using photographs, items collected on the trip and using our sketchbooks produced in Cornwall.

Enrichment Week 2017 Cornwall

Enrichment Week 2017 Cornwall

Enrichment Week 2017 Cornwall

Enrichment Week 2017 Cornwall

“Thoroughly enjoyable and the views were very inspirational to allow you to create a piece of art work.” Oliver

“Really enjoyable but the hills were a struggle.” Megan

"Good experience and got a lot of opportunity for art work.”  Willow

“Don’t pack too much stuff!”  Poppy

“Never hated hills so much in my life!”  Myles

“Don’t forget to take the red sticker off your face!”  Elise

“It was a really nice trip.  Learnt more techniques.”  Evie

“Your sketch book is more than art; it is a journal.”    Ella

“Great second time experience; made some great friends.  My feet though are now sore!”  Mia

“Gained more experience and more techniques learnt.”   Kelly

“A sketch book does not have to be perfect.”    Gaby

“It was a really cool trip.”  Hazel

“Made new friends.”  Amy

“Cool place; interesting things to draw.”  Clarissa

“Greatest experience of my life so far.”  Matty

“The teachers had high expectations of us and we all met this target.”  Ben

Enrichment Week 2017 Cornwall

Enrichment Week 2017 Cornwall

Enrichment Week 2017 Cornwall

Enrichment Week 2017 Cornwall

Enrichment Week 2017 Cornwall

Ms Rose, Trip Leader commented: "For the second year running we were lucky with our weather in Cornwall. Watching pupils sit and draw and make pieces of Art on the beach, all inspired by our visit to St Ives, was wonderful. Four days soaking up the creative atmosphere, with debates about whether the exhibition in the Tate was really Art or whether you could see the pink light which so inspired the Artists who flocked to Cornwall, contributed to the lively conversations. Pupils worked with such enthusiasm on the Friday, saving memories for the future in their sketchbooks, and for me it was a memorable trip."

Enrichment Week 2017 Cornwall

​  Enrichment Week 2017 Cornwall ​