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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Enterprise Challenge

During Enrichment Week, a group of 17 pupils took part in the Enterprise Challenge and, in two teams, made soaps and bath bombs to sell for charity.

On Monday 3 July pupils carried out market research into which fragrances were the most popular and began making their soaps to sell. Pupils also had to design the logo for their products. On Tuesday, we visited Bath where the pupils took part in a workshop at The Makery, learning how to make bath bombs. Additionally, they had the opportunity to research products and displays in high street stores such as Lush and The Body Shop. On Wednesday we had a day making and marketing - both teams were competitive about who could make the most bath bombs and soaps! On Thursday pupils completed their marketing and made packaging and posters, as well as practised setting out their stall ready for Friday.

Enrichment Week 2017 Enterprise

Enrichment Week 2017 Enterprise

Enrichment Week 2017 Enterprise

Enrichment Week 2017 Enterprise

We started early on Friday to make sure we were at the Cirencester Market for 8am. All money raised from the market stalls went to two charities chosen by the pupils. One team raised £214.89 for Sue Ryder and the other raised £112.66 for Hope and Homes for Children.  Our pupils had to interact with members of the public to sell their products and by the end of the day they were confidently approaching members of the public to advertise their products.


Enrichment Week 2017 Enterprise

Enrichment Week 2017 Enterprise


hope and homes for children

Pupils developed their team work skills throughout the week and were creative with their ideas for packaging and logos. They enjoyed their week and the opportunity to develop new skills. Amber said “I think Enterprise was a great experience and it was lots of fun to make the bath bombs and soaps.” Olivia said she “really enjoyed the week and it has been a good experience at marketing.” Well done everyone!

Mrs Pullen, Activity Leader