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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Careers Week

National Careers Week is a celebration of careers guidance and resources in education across the United Kingdom.

This week 7-11 March is National Careers Week, the aim of which is to provide a focus for careers guidance activity at an important stage in the academic calendar to help support young people taking their next step in education or the world of work. National Careers Week encourages education providers to bring together pupils, local employers and advisers through different careers events. 

On Thursday 10 March a group of Year 9 pupils who will start their Business and Enterprise qualification in June, had the opportunity to be inspired by an entrepreneur who spent time with them answering their questions around enterprise.  Our thanks to Andy Middleton who came to Deer Park as part of Speakers for Schools and shared his experience, encouraging our pupils to think bigger about how they can change the world for the better.

Pupils at Deer Park have access to a range of careers information and how they can train for different roles.  Throughout the year we have a variety of careers-based services and events, including:

  • Access to an impartial Careers Advisor - Working with pupils in both Key Stage 3 and 4, our Careers Advisor supports pupils in understanding the options available to them at post-16 and beyond.  Pupils wishing to access a Careers interview who have not yet met with the Careers Advisor are welcome to speak to Key Stage 4 to arrange an interview.
  • Careers Convention - Jointly organised by Deer Park and Kingshill School this annual event takes place in October. In 2015 we hosted the event, with more than 50 employers and universities on hand to answer questions from pupils and parents. This popular event was attended by hundreds of pupils and parents from Deer Park and the wider Cirencester area.
  • Mock Interviews - In January our Year 11 pupils all had a mock interview with employees from a range of companies in the local area.  This gave pupils the opportunity to experience what a job interview could entail and they were given personal feedback on how they could improve on their interview technique.
  • PSHEe lessons - Year 9 pupils have recently been focusing on career paths in their PSHEe lessons, to support pupils as they made their decisions about which subjects to study in Key Stage 4.
  • Visits to colleges and universities to experience post-16 education and to understand the qualifications that exist and the possible jobs that they lead to.
  • Work Experience - Key Stage 4 pupils continue to have the opportunity to complete a week’s Work Experience (as part of Enrichment Week for pupils who have just moved into Year 11).  This invaluable experience gives pupils an insight into the world of work for a week.  Many of our pupils find it really rewarding and it helps them to establish the type of work they may wish to pursue as a career.

In addition to this provision, pupils have access to a range of online resources.  For example, pupils are encouraged to explore the National Careers Service website, which gives pupils and parents an insight into a wide range of careers and the qualifications needed to work in a range of industries.

A site that we would recommend for parents is Career Pilot - Parent Zone which helps parents support their child, exploring a variety of career paths (including growth areas in the job sector) and the qualifications partnered with them.

Some of our Year 10 pupils might be interested in spending time at the University of Gloucestershire free Year 10 Summer School, which runs 18-22 July and gives pupils the experience of living and learning as a university student.