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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Enrichment Week Preview

During the first week of July (3-7 July 2017) all pupils at Cirencester Deer Park School will be off timetable and learning new skills, experiencing new situations and developing confidence, independence and resilience.

Our new Year 11 pupils will be out on Work Experience with local, regional and national placements whilst our pupils in new Years 8-10 will be taking part in Enrichment Week, a key part of our promise to deliver "more than a visible curriculum and challenge all pupils to achieve more than they first think is possible" here at Cirencester Deer Park School.

Work Experience pupils are taking part in a wide range of placements - from local nurseries to office-based jobs between here and London, from construction to theatre work, from engineering to army training, from stableyards to an auction room - they will be thinking about next steps after school and their aspirations. 

Following a Standstill Lesson on Wednesday 21 June, all pupils know they need to be prepared for their activities, as well as dressing appropriately and bringing any required equipment - whether sunscreen and sandals, waterproofs and jumpers, or shirt and tie. Pupils should bring home any relevant information - copies are available on iDeer.

Enrichment Week 2016 Aim for the Stars

enrichment week 2017 aim for the stars

enrichment week 2016 holland

Enrichment Week 2016 - DofE training

Enrichment Week 2016 south cerney

enrichment week 2016 drama

Whether cooking their lunch on an open fire, travelling to Germany, Holland, France, Sicily, London or Cornwall, training for their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award, manufacturing and marketing a product, learning to windsurf, creating a dramatic performance, climbing higher than they imagined they could, or taking part in a space hopper relay race, our Enrichment Week pupils will be working in new teams and widening their horizons. Look out for reports online by the end of term.