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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Multi-Academy Trust

Forming a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) in partnership with other local schools.

Over the last two years, and in response to changes in national education policy, we have been working towards forming a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) in partnership with other local schools. A Multi Academy Trust is an organisation that runs more than one school for the mutual benefit of the schools and the learners in those schools.

‘This is a bold and innovative step. It is an exciting development and is one that will focus on enhancing  children’s learning and life chances and open a new chapter in Cirencester’s and The South Cotswolds’ educational history.’ Chiquita Henson, Head.

We are currently working closely with Kemble Community and Siddington Church of England Primary Schools to create and lead our own MAT - the Corinium Education Trust. This means Cirencester Deer Park School will no longer be a Single Academy Trust and, if our plans go head, our partner primary schools will no longer be under the control of Gloucestershire County Council. We are now consulting with parents and other stakeholders in our community.

See a copy of the letter to Deer Park parents.

Cirencester Deer Park School as a comprehensive will continue to thrive and retain its integrity within the MAT. We are committed to ensuring that the distinctive characteristics of each school remain intact. No school will need to change its name, its uniform, its school day, its admissions arrangements or any other aspect which makes it unique.

Although we will be working closely with our partner schools within in the MAT, Deer Park will still be open to and a choice for prospective pupils from all primary schools and this month we are welcoming parents of pupils in Year 5 to our Open Mornings.

Over time we hope to expand the MAT by developing and extending our partnerships with other local primary and secondary schools. One of the key features of our MAT is that it is focused on providing high quality education in Cirencester and the South Cotswolds and, unlike many other regional or national MATs, we will not be seeking to partner with schools which are outside of this geographical area.

As a result of working together, we now have a strong shared vision for our MAT: an ambitious family of schools within the South Cotswolds that responds strategically to the needs of parents and children in our community and contributes fully to the provision of excellent inclusive education across the different phases.

‘We are delighted to be working with Carol Dougill, Executive Headteacher at Kemble Community and Siddington Church of England Primary Schools and her Chair of Governors, Jane Lloyd. We are committed to a collegiate approach and are pleased the Diocese have, in principle, given our partnership their blessing.’ Graham Russell, Chair of Governors.