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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Parent Surveys 2016-2017

Your feedback helps.

Education is a partnership between schools, pupils and parents so we believe it is very important that we regularly collect the views of parents on how the school is performing and meeting the needs of the pupils.

'I’m really happy my son made the decision to come to Deer Park.  He’s happy, enthusiastic (most of the time!) and maturing into a young man I’m proud of.  I’ve always worried his ‘middle ability and quiet demeanour would mean he could go unnoticed or get missed’.  CDPS has acquitted my worries.  Thank you.  Warm, welcoming, smiley school – just what I wanted for my boy :-)'  Year 7 Parent

'We have been very impressed with the school in general.  When we raised an issue about (perceived?) lack of challenges this was dealt with swiftly and across all lessons, making a huge difference to how our son felt about his learning and confidence.  He has been far more motivated and happy since.  Many thanks.'  Year 9 Parent

Since May 2016 we have invited parents attending our Parents’ Evenings or Learning Conferences in Key Stage 3 to complete a survey answering 12 simple questions. The questions we use in this survey are the same as those Ofsted ask parents to complete on their Parent View website.

Our analysis of this data, summarised and shared with you and our governing body in the graph below, consistently shows high levels of satisfaction with the school across parents of pupils now in Years 7-9. This is complemented further by the overwhelmingly positive written feedback parents completing the surveys have also given us and in our conversations with those who requested we follow up their comments:

Parent View Y7-9 May 2017

As shown above, 100% of the 200 parents who have completed a survey would recommend Cirencester Deer Park School to their friends and family. Levels of satisfaction are 90% or above for every survey question. However, we are not complacent. We are actively working with pupils, parents, staff and governors on the areas where satisfaction is slightly lower than 100% and we will continue to regularly survey parents to ensure that we are maintaining the current high levels of satisfaction and hopefully improving on some of them.

 From the verbal feedback we received at the Year 7 Parents’ Evening, it was clear that so far Cirencester Deer Park School is living up to parents’ expectations.’  Graham Russell, Chair of Governors.

We are extremely grateful for the time parents take to give us this feedback. Each survey allows parents to comment on any aspect of the school that they value or have concerns about. These comments are personally followed up by members of the School’s Leadership Team and feedback is provided to the parent concerned.

‘The support/pastoral system put in place to support my daughter has been excellent enabling her to move forward confidently and make new friends and she was able to make great progress.  She enjoys coming to school and is a positive learner.  I would recommend Cirencester Deer Park.’  Year 8 Parent 


Parent View - Give Ofsted your view on your child's schoolWhilst we will ask parents to complete the Parent View Survey when we have our next Ofsted inspection (which could be anytime soon), the Parent View website is open all year round so parents can complete the survey at any stage and we would encourage you to do this now, if possible, rather than wait for notice of our inspection which will only allow a very short turn around. Go to Parent View...

Your feedback is very important to us. It is used to inform our rigorous and on-going self evaluation and strategic planning. It confirms what we do well and helps us identify what could be even better. We aim to provide the best possible education for all children in our school.