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Cirencester Deer Park School

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BBC News School Report - Our Team

On Thursday 10 March 2016 our Key Stage 3 team will be taking part in the national BBC News School Report Day, making the news around the country. Find out more...


bbc news school report team 2016

Comments from some of our team on why they wanted to be involved with this exciting project:

"I wanted to try something new. I also have a passion for writing."

"I joined because it is fun and interesting. You learn things about the outside world and school."

"I thought that it would be a great experience and that it would build my confidence."

"I come to School Report club because I have always wanted to be a news reporter."

"I enjoy BBC News School Report because I have experience with editing. It is fun because I get to do it with my friends."

"It is interesting to know other peoples' opinions on news stories and that is why I like being a BBC News School reporter."

"I come to School Report club because I enjoy writing."

"I enjoy learning about the news and things that are happening around the world."

bbc news school report year 7
I wanted to do the BBC News School Report as I love presenting, filming, editing and working with my friends.

bbc news school report pupil
I am in Year 8 and wanted to be involved with School Report because I love editing and I often edit my friends' Youtube videos for them.

bbc news school report
I wanted to do this project because I love using my camera and filming and I am a good writer. I hope to film behind the scenes with my action camera.

bbc news school report y7 girls

I want to do News School Report because I want to present the news. I would also like to have more confidence in myself and be able to talk in front of people.

I want to be part of BBC School Report because I like to practise my writing, presenting and filming. I was so excited and shocked when I found out that I would be part of this club because I like Drama, Technology and English.

I wanted to be part of the BBC School Report team, because I love writing and learning about things that are happening in the world. My favourite thing to do in the club is to write stories.

I love writing newspaper reports and sharing interesting facts and recent happenings with my family and friends. I think it is a great opportunity to be chosen for the Deer Park BBC News team. The position I would do best in is writing up stories.