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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Year 11 Leavers

In addition to revising for their summer exams and sorting out their destinations after Deer Park, our Year 11s also need to to be aware of the following items and events.

Leavers' Hoodies

Leavers' Hoodies should be ordered from Prints & Threads in Ashcroft Road, Cirencester. Telephone 01285 640111. The closing date for orders is Friday 21 April i.e. before we return from the Easter holiday. Pupils should go to the shop if they want to check sizes.

Hoodies start at £19, with an additional £3 to have a name printed.

Leavers' Photograph

The photographer will be in school on Wednesday 26 April to take a commemorative photograph of the whole year group. Pupils are reminded that they are expected to be in correct uniform. Jewellery should be kept to a minimum due to the camera flash.

The photograph will be available to order. Details will follow.

Leavers' Lockers

Year 11s should empty their lockers by Monday 22 May. Keys should be returned to Mrs Dew in the PLC and and deposits will be refunded after that.

Leavers' Book

As a souvenir of their time at Deer Park, our Key Stage 4 Pastoral Team are putting together a special Leavers’ Book. These are only published to order and cost £15, based on the sale of 100 books. The deadline for ordering/purchasing a Leavers' Book is Friday 26 May. The books will be available for collection on Results Day, Thursday 24 August. If parents do not want their child's photograph(s) used in Leavers’ memorabilia, they should contact Mr Bellamy, Pastoral Team Leader.

Leavers' Day

On Friday 26 May, we will be celebrating our pupils’ time at Deer Park. On this day, all pupils in Year 11 have their GCSE English Literature exam in the morning, but at 12 noon they will be invited to join staff for a special celebration lunch, before gathering outside to sign each others’ shirts if they chose to do so - pupils can purchase a Deer Park Autograph Book as an alternative for just £2. We will reflect on their time at Deer Park and celebrate their achievements in a Leavers' Assembly before dismissing them at 2pm. Year 11s unable to go home directly, may stay at school where they will be supervised until 3.25pm. Pupils are reminded that they will be expected to be in school in uniform on this day and that they have important English Literature exam in the morning that they need to be fully focused on.

Study Leave

Study Leave will officially begin after half term on Monday 5 June. From this date forward, pupils will not be required to wear school uniform when in school, although they are reminded that their choice of clothing should be appropriate for the school environment and comfortable for sitting an exam and that they must remember to come in to school promptly for each exam.

Leavers' Ball

Following their final examinations, we look forward to meeting up with our ‘Class of 2017’ again in school at their Leavers’ Ball on Friday 30 June from 7pm. Our Main Hall will be transformed. Tickets for the Ball cost £21 and include non-alcoholic drinks, a buffet, entertainment and a professional souvenir photo. School standards obviously still apply at this celebratory school event. In recent years, our Year 11 Leavers’ Ball has become a focus for the community with an increasing number of spectators. To aid your planning, please read the Leavers' Ball Guide.



We encourage all payments for Leavers’ Ball Tickets, Leavers’ Books or Autograph Books to be made via WisePay prior to Leavers’ Day on Friday 26 May. Should you have any queries regarding your WisePay account please email

If your child has collected a number of VIVO points, these can be used towards the purchase of their Leavers’ Ball ticket.


Exam Results

Year 11 exam results will be available at school from 9.15am on Thursday 24 August 2017. We look forward to congratulating pupils on their achievements when they come to collect them.


Celebration of Achievement

There will be an opportunity to formally celebrate the Year group’s success at our Celebration of Achievement event in November 2017. Further details will follow.