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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Curry in the Park

Curry and Music at Deer Park

On Saturday 11 February 2017, the walls of the Main Hall at Deer Park reverberated to the beat of some truly great music as local bands Plucking Different and The Barking Chickens gave generously of their time and contributed to a great night out in support of our 26 Year 10 pupils who will be volunteering in Ghana in April this year. Well before the end of the evening, both bands had people on their feet dancing or singing along. Each delivered a terrific set and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Two of our pupil volunteers, Elliot and Simon, and their friends, Mia, Evie and Lily, opened the evening as members of a Year 10 band, ‘Yeah Boi!’ who we last saw performing at our Talent Show in November.


curry in the park barking chickens february 2017
Barking Chickens
curry in the park plucking different february 2017
Plucking Different

The Curry in the Park event was coordinated by parent Mike Grier, who as well as being the main cook also performed in a dashing suit as one of the ‘Barking Chickens’. He and a team of parents who worked in shifts, put together an excellent evening’s entertainment and the curries they prepared were exceptionally well received and highly praised. It was a real team effort! One man commented that he had eaten in many excellent Indian restaurants, but that these were definitely the best curries he had ever tasted!

In addition to the curries homemade by parents Mike Grier and Dee Chaddah-Duke, Madhus' Rasoi (Stroud) donated the pakoras and a delicious tamarind chutney, onion bhajis and poppadoms were generously provided by Khushi (Lechlade) and we are grateful to our local Tesco for their generous supply of spinach! Our heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported the event.

Our Ghana volunteers contributed to the evening and played key roles too. They supported the event by checking tickets, serving food, clearing tables and washing up. It was all good preparation for working together in Ghana where they will be volunteering in two separate schools, Dedzidi Community School and Rhema Abutia School, as ‘teachers’, teaching assistants, community builders and sports leaders. They will be expected to show initiative, be resilient and resourceful, and to work independently and as members of the team. They are already in ‘training’ and many are taking their preparatory tasks very seriously.


curry in the park - in the kitchen - february 2017


Fourteen months ago when the trip was launched, the pupils were set three targets: to raise sufficient funds collectively to cover the cost of the bus to and from the airport; to raise 50% of their individual costs and to raise 10% of the total cost for the whole group. As a result of their endeavours (and support of their parents) these targets have not only been met, but exceeded. We are especially grateful to Alexcars for their support, D&J Sports for the donation on sportswear for the children in Ghana and GH Knight for the provision of stationary items that will complement the work of our volunteer ‘teachers’ and teaching assistants.

As the date of our departure gets closer, we are all becoming increasingly excited about our trip. It is important, however, that we remember why we are going and that we make sure we are all fully prepared for and committed to the projects we will be based in. I am looking forward to seeing the impact we have on the people we meet and watching members of our volunteer team develop their communication and construction skills and gain in confidence.

Chiquita Henson, Headteacher and trip leader

‘Thank you to everyone for all your effort and hard work to make the event such a fantastic evening. The food was really tasty, the music was great and the children were a credit to both their parents and to the school. They were all so friendly, polite and helpful. Well done guys.’ Mrs Adam.

‘Absolutely fantastic evening, great music, wonderful food. All should be very proud of a brilliant successful event for our children. Well done everyone involved.’ Mrs Stevens.


‘A great big thank to you for organising such a fantastic event for all the kids. It was much appreciated. The food was excellent so special thank you to top chefs Mike and Dee. We all had a great night. It was great to see kids all bonding and working together.  They should have a great time and hopefully great memories of a special trip. They are lucky to go to a school that is giving them this opportunity of a life time!’ Mrs Messenger.

african adventures