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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Half Term Revision

Pupils in Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11 should certainly be spending some time over half term preparing for  upcoming exams.

Year 9

English Paper 1 Fiction
Tuesday 14 March 

English Paper 2 Non Fiction
Wednesday 15 March

Friday 24 March

Maths Combined Paper
Monday 3 April


Religious Studies Mock GCSE
Monday 6 March


Maths Mock GCSE - Non Calculator paper
Monday 20 February

Maths Mock GCSE - Calculator paper
Tuesday 21 February

Maths Mock GCSE - Calculator paper
Wednesday 22 February

English Literature Mock GCSE
Thursday 6 April

Textiles practical
Monday 20 March and Tuesday 21 March

Art practical
Wednesday 22 March and Thursday 23 March

Revision can be seen as ‘re-vision’ – a way of re-viewing, re-seeing, and re-visiting learning, in preparation for an assessment or exam. Exam board OCR have published a useful revision skills guide. Everyone should find it useful - it includes revision tips, revision websites and a revision timetable template.  During their standstill day in January our Year 11s were treated to an energetic revision session with Tim Benton, based on his book The Brain Box. Pupils have been using his revision strategies in class and at home.

Year 11 pupils can find an English revision booklet on the English - KS4 page on iDeer. The English Literature Mock exam will include Great Expectations or Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Macbeth.

Taking a bit of time out to review and consolidate learning can make all the difference. Active revision is essential. My advice to pupils is to build up a bank of homemade and customised resources such as flash cards and mindmaps now, use these regularly to refresh and recap and then, as the exams approach, routinely practise exam questions. Short term investment now will definitely lead to long term gains!

Chiquita Henson, Headteacher

Useful revision sites: