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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Safer Internet Day

Cirencester Deer Park School has joined the global Safer Internet Day campaign to promote the safe and responsible use of technology.

safer internet day 2017

Whilst we recognise that the majority of use of online and mobile technologies encourages and develops the growth and engagement of young people, there is the potential for risk and misuse. Issues around online safety are addressed across the curriculum in all year groups, with a view to ensuring pupils understand a range of ways to use technology safely, respectfully, responsibly and securely.

Coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre, Safer Internet Day took place on Tuesday 7 February 2017 with the theme ‘Be the change: Unite for a better internet’. This year Safer Internet Day was celebrated in over 100 countries.

“Safer Internet Day is an opportunity for everyone across the UK and globally to unite for a better internet. Whether you are a young person, parent, carer, school or organisation, we can all ‘be the change’ and take positive actions to make the internet a better place. Hundreds of schools and organisations have pledged their support for Safer Internet Day and it is this collaboration that helps ensure Safer Internet Day has such a positive impact, reaching 40% of UK children in 2016 and growing year on year.”

Will Gardner, Director of the UK Safer Internet Centre and CEO of Childnet

Safer Internet Day 2017 Top Tips and Advice:

  1. Be the change - Make the internet a great place for all. Use the positive power of images and videos to help create a better internet. 
  2. Be kind - Use images and videos to make a positive impact, and think carefully about the impact on others before you share something online
  3. Be you - Think before you post. What do your images and videos say about you; are you happy with the story you are telling? What you share online could be there forever, can be misinterpreted and could also reveal personal information about you.
  4. Be a digital citizen - Report anything you see online, including images and videos, which are offensive, upsetting or inappropriate. Speak to a trusted adult if something worries you.
  5. Be a critical thinker -  Seeing is not believing… when you see something online take a moment to see the full picture. Not everything or everyone online can be trusted.
  6. Be safe - Never agree to meet up offline with someone you only know online. No matter how friendly they might seem or how well you think you know them, they are still a stranger. Always tell a trusted adult if someone online asks to meet up.

Safer Internet Day 2017 Top Tips and Advice

As mentioned in our weekly newsletter we have used assemblies this week to talk to the pupils in each year group about online safety.  Pupils in Years 9-11 watched Kayleigh’s Love Story as part of the assemblies. Kayleigh’s Love Story is a warning to young people, both girls and boys, about the dangers of speaking to people they don’t know online. The film was made by Leicestershire Police with the support of Kayleigh’s family. It highlights just how quick and easy it can be for children to be groomed online without them or those around them knowing it is happening. Its purpose is to protect children now and in the future. The film was initially shown to children aged 11 and above across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. It was then released to every other police force in the country for them to roll out in their own areas.


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'Kayleigh’s Love Story' is a hard hitting film but important for pupils to see. Pupils need to understand the importance of being safe online and how to use technology responsibly. 

Helen Charlesworth, Assistant Head and Designated Safeguarding Lead

If you think a friend or relative is being groomed, click here for advice.

Does your child have an Instagram account? Do you and they understand the terms of service? This week a privacy law expert at Schillings rewrote the terms of service for Instagram to make it child friendly. If you have not read the article, you may want to so that you and your children can have a meaningful talk about privacy. Read more...

For advice on how to keep your children safe online, see the links below:

Parents of Year 7 and Year 8 pupils will be able to pick up a free copy of Vodafone’s Digital Parenting guide at their Parents' Evenings on Thursday 16 March and Thursday 2 March respectively.