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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Jumping for Joy

We have implemented a new termly attendance reward trip.

Each term, pupils with an excellent attendance record - from the beginning to the end of the term - are in with the chance of being selected to go to Jumptastic in Gloucester. Selections are made during the first week of the following term. Every single school day, including the last day of term, counts!

Our pupils should be aiming for 100% attendance.

After school on Monday 30 January, Mr Johnson and Mr Reed took a group of pupils from across our five year groups to the trampolining park Jumptastic. The trip was a reward to a select group of pupils for excellent attendance last term. Great fun was had by all, with several pupils demonstrating significant skill and daring in flipping and somersaulting their way around the park! Another trip will be organised next term to reward pupils for excellent attendance during this term. If your child needs encouragement to attend school, this opportunity might help. 

attendance reward jumptastic jan 17


“It was really good! I really enjoyed it! I think being set a challenge of 100% and then receiving a reward has really made the penny drop for me in terms of my attendance!” Haz

attendance reward jumptastic january 2017

Pupils receive 1 Vivo for every week they achieve a 100% attendance record, with the final week of term worth double Vivos, and there are also termly confectionary rewards for 100% attendees. An additional box of chocolates is rewarded to the tutor group with the highest termly attendance in each year group.

In addition, each term one lucky pupil in every year group, who has maintained 100% attendance for the duration of the previous term, will receive a £15 iTunes voucher. The lucky winner will be determined by a random draw from the names of all those pupils with perfect attendance.

There is a proven link between academic achievement and school attendance and we want to instil in our young people the message that full attendance at school is extremely important for their future educational success. If pupils are not in school, they will miss vital information and their progress will suffer. It is essential that we instil good habits in our pupils: attendance, self-discipline, responsibility and reliability; habits that will stand them in good stead when they enter the world of work.