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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Curry in the Park

Twenty-six pupils in Year 10 are busy preparing for their trip to Ghana in April. They will be volunteering in two rural schools as ‘teachers’, teaching assistants, community builders and sports leaders.

Now in the final stages of the countdown to departure, our Ghana volunteers are getting more excited. Each member of the team has been expected to raise 50% of the cost of their own trip and, by working as a team, 10% of the total cost and they are well on course to meet these targets. Our pupils have been very enterprising. They have contributed to cakes sales, car boot sales, promises auctions and quiz nights.

On Saturday 11 February the team, with the aid of their parents, will be hosting their final fundraising event, ‘Curry in the Park’. Tickets are now on sale for this evening, which promises to be a great night out with a welcome drink, good food and great music provided by popular local bands, Plucking Different and The Barking Chickens. At just £15 the tickets offer excellent value - they are available online and from Reception. Please join us for the evening and help the team achieve their goals.

curry in the park poster

Our Ghana volunteer team will be travelling to Ghana with African Adventures. They will be accompanied by three members of staff. During their 14 night stay the team will stay in hostel accommodation in Woe, close to the schools where they will work, and they will have the opportunity to participate in an adventure weekend.

In preparation for their trip the pupils are now meeting weekly and are actively engaged in training to ensure they are all equipped to fulfil their volunteer roles. This has included our volunteer ‘teachers’ and teaching assistants planning lessons and preparing resources and our community builders getting used to handling tools by digging holes!

african adventures

Emma has been very determined in her planning and preparation for the Ghana trip so far. She has shown great leadership skills and resilience – especially in a very early morning slot on the sponsored cycle. Emma really enjoyed the laughter yoga session the group experienced and had the rest of the girls in stitches!

In April last year Sam vowed to cover 1000 miles in just 6 months, cycling, rowing and running. “1000 miles is about a quarter of the distance to Woe from the UK” explained Sam. “I found it tough but I knew I had to keep going and I crossed the finishing line in September. My stamina and fitness definitely improved.”

Freya has been getting stuck into the Community Builder sessions to prepare pupils for the projects they will be working on in Ghana. She is also looking forward to the evenings in Ghana when local school children will come to the African Adventures accommodation for sports coaching.