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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Year 11 Mock Exam Results

On Friday 6 January our Year 11 pupils experienced what it will feel like in August 2017 when they receive their actual examination results. As a simulation exercise, our annual Mock Exam Results Day has become an important milestone in our Key Stage 4 calendar.

Every year we schedule our mock examinations across an intensive three week period in November and December and, to enable our pupils to see the big picture, we do not disclose the results until we have collated all of the data centrally. This enables us to share and evaluate the results and pick up on and address any trends or deficits in our pupils’ learning. Furthermore, when our pupils receive their results they are able to plan their next steps and post-16 providers, including Cirencester College complement us on the data our pupils have at their fingertips in their interviews!

At the Sixth Form College we particularly like the serious way that mock exams day is conducted at Deer Park School, there is a real sense of  anticipation and nervousness that closely matches the “real thing,” only at mock stage the students also have the chance and the guidance to reach their potential and be able to access their ideal goal for post 16. A key factor in student success is being able to guide them onto the right course. Deer Park use their mock exams to inform students about the type and level of course they should consider. They come to interview with a formal report, identical to their actual results slip, which is of great help in an Admissions interview and enables the post 16 provider to reinforce the school’s clear messages about improving or maintaining performance. 

Libby Reed, Vice Principal, Cirencester College

This year, our Year 11 pupils attended an assembly led by Headteacher, Chiquita Henson, and our Pastoral Team Leader, Simon Bellamy. With a focus on review and action planning the assembly provided some motivation and pupils were encouraged to reflect and be resilient. Strong emphasis was placed on the mocks being a practice for the real exams and everyone could take some learning from the experience regarding preparation and revision, conduct and exam technique. The assembly included feedback from our invigilators, who take the utmost care of our candidates, in the form of quotes from our Exams Officer’s reports, plus a few Deer Park exam howlers! These served to highlight the need to follow instructions, sleep well and eat breakfast and take greater care and accuracy in reading and responding to questions.

Exams Officer's Reports:

  • Worked steadily throughout
  • First rate behaviour
  • ...arrived 10 minutes late
  • fell asleep for 20 minutes
  • was not very well during the exam – offered rest break but preferred to carry on
  • had a bit of a wobble – started later, full time given
  • left exam 7 minutes early for dental appointment
  • was fidgety and turning around a lot.

Deer Park Exam Howlers:

  • In order to make sure that there is plenty of protein, iron and Vitamin B12 in a vegetarian diet, vegetarians should eat more meat, for example steak.
    GCSE Catering candidate
  • Often intense training (gym, running, the thing we are doing in PE which I’ve forgotten the name of…).
    GCSE PE candidate
  • In case of fire, open all the windows to make sure the room is ventilated.
    GCSE Catering candidate

mock exam results day

mock exam results day

​  mock exam results day

mock exam results day

Data from the last three years was shared that shows on average pupils at Deer Park can make a difference of between half a grade and a whole grade between their mocks exam results and those they achieve in the summer. However, this does require effort and application and some candidates have demonstrated that poor mock outcomes have spurred them on to exceed all expectation! Similarly, those who achieved well in the mocks cannot afford to be complacent. There is still new learning to do alongside revision and controlled assessments to complete as teachers plan to deliver and explore the remaining course content. Our pupils should ensure they maximise their time in all lessons and complement this with further independent study at home. We encourage them to take advantage of the additional sessions teachers offer outside of normal school hours, including top-ups and surgeries and Twitter debates (@geografun, @CDPSHistory, @CDPSMaths and @CDPSEnglish).

Year 11 Parents' Evening

Pupils, and their parents, will be able to get further feedback on their progress and guidance regarding their next steps at our Year 11 Parents’ Evening on Thursday 2 February.

Year 11 Mental Health and Wellbeing Day

To help our pupils prepare for their exams and life beyond Deer Park, Emma Hope, Head of RP, Citizenship and PSHEe organised a valuable Mental Health and Wellbeing standstill day on Tuesday 10 January which focused on developing resilience. The programme included sessions on mental health and emotional wellbeing and touched on sensitive subjects such as child sexual exploitation as well as practical revision tips. Pupils and staff enjoyed sessions lead by Tim Benton and pupils have already applied some of the recommended techniques to their learning.

mental health and wellbeing day

"I found the revision session especially helpful and my Maths teacher is teaching us how to revise using some of the techniques he showed us. I have already used the A-Z!"

"I am going to make flash cards to help me remember key facts about the 12 pieces of music I need to learn about in Music."