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Cirencester Deer Park School

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March 2016

In March 2016 pupils and staff took part in our first main charity fundraiser of the year, Sport Relief.

Our pupils take an active and ambitious approach to charity work and quickly build an understanding that some people need more help than others across the world. The school generally supports three charities at a time that always includes a local, national and international charity. As an outward facing international school firmly rooted in the local community, we encourage pupils to take part in events that benefit others.

Through non uniform days, sponsored events, collection of specific items and donation of Vivos, our school community has contributed to a variety of charities during 2016:

  1. In March, Sport Relief (Easter Newsletter
  2. Also in March, Readathon (Easter Newsletter)
  3. In June, Charity Cricket Match for Cricket without Boundaries
  4. Also in June, Giant Maths Lesson for Childline (Summer Newsletter)
  5. In September, cake sales for Macmillan Cancer
  6. In November, Link to Hope Shoebox Appeal
  7. Also in November, our Talent Show for Children in Need
  8. In December, Carol Service with donations for Crisis
  9. Also in December, Christmas Jumper Day for Save the Children, SCWAD and Cirencester Foodbank.


sport relief 2016
Sport Relief Mile Run (6-legged race)
talent show children in need
Watching the Talent Show
Readathon March 2016
link to hope november 2016
Packing shoe boxes for Link to Hope

Through events and donation of Vivos we have raised funds for the following charities:

International charities

National charities

Local charities