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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Launch of Enrichment Week 2017

Key Stage 3 pupils find out what opportunities are available for Enrichment Week next July.

Enrichment Week at Cirencester Deer Park School is a key part of our promise to deliver "more than a visible curriculum and challenge all pupils to achieve more than they first think is possible."

During the week commencing 3 July 2017 all pupils at Cirencester Deer Park School will be off timetable and learning new skills, experiencing new situations and developing resilience, independence and confidence. Whilst our Year 10 pupils are on Work Experience, pupils in Years 7 to 9 will be taking part in Enrichment Week.

In their assemblies this week pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9 found out what activities are available to them. All pupils in Year 7 will be taking part in our 'Aim for the Stars' programme. Activities are chosen to help develop team building and communication skills and to give individuals a challenge. Pupils in Year 8 and Year 9 have a choice of activities to suit a variety of interests, based at school, based elsewhere in the UK or in Europe.

Selection for Year 8 and Year 9 is NOT on a first come, first served basis, so there is no need to rush, so long as applications are received by the deadline of Monday 28 November at the latest.

There is more information on iDeer and you can find the relevant application form and more information below. 

Our Year 10 pupils spend Enrichment Week doing Work Experience. The deadline for returning completed Work Experience forms to Mrs Burfoot in the Key Stage 4 Office is Thursday 1 December.  Whilst this deadline may seem very early, is it critical in order to enable Health and Safety checks on placements to take place. 

If pupils are having problems finding a placement, they need to seek help and advice from a member of the Pastoral team.  It is vital that our pupils are proactive with the organisation of their Work Experience - part of the learning process is for pupils to organise their own Work Experience, with parental and school support where necessary. Employers want the individual young person to approach them, not for their parents or the school to do so on their behalf. If your child has approached somewhere and not had a response, they should be resilient and approach the organisation again.