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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Shoebox Appeal

This year we are once again collecting items for the Link to Hope Shoebox Appeal which supports Education and Social Care projects in Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Bulgaria.

All tutor groups and staff will be collecting for the Family and Elderly Shoeboxes. It does not take much money to create something special for people who have so much less than ourselves. Many of these families do not have running water, heating or electricity.


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We are collecting items in school, with a deadline of Friday 4 November. Tutors will collect the items and help their pupils arrange the packing of the boxes. Tutor Groups will need at least one strong shoe box, around a size 8 (not a boot box), depending on how many items they collect. Last year Link to Hope sent over 37,000 shoe boxes to Eastern Europe.
link to hopeTry putting yourself in the shoes of the people this charity supports. What items would either be really useful or would be a treat? Shops such as Tesco, Wilkinsons and Poundland are good sources of inexpensive items.  What can be included in the boxes?

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Wood.