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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Year 7 Learning

Year 7 Learning and Curriculum

On Wednesday 18 September 2024, at the start of the school day, we welcomed our Year 7 pupils to their first Learning Conference.

Pupils sat at tables with other members of their tutor groups in the Main Hall, ready for a very different learning experience. At our interactive Learning Conference, Year 7s focused on the learning journey of their curriculum, including what they will be covering this year and what it takes to succeed in these subjects.

Pupils were also fortunate to work with one of our Science teachers, Miss Creed-Miles, who is trained in psychoanalysis. Miss Creed-Miles explored with pupils how their brain is wired and why we react how we do. She shared some excellent strategies with the pupils about how to manage some of how they might be feeling so that the ‘intellectual’ brain overcomes the ‘primal’ brain - pupils are reminded to think of The Chimp and The Scientist, in particular at times of nerves or stress. There are techniques we can all put in place to help ourselves through certain situations - remember ‘Feet on the floor’ and ‘Stick it to the wall’! 

y7 learning conference

y7 learning conference

Following the pupils' Learning Conference in the morning, we were really pleased to welcome our Year 7 parents to their Learning and Curriculum Evening. This event gave us the opportunity to share the content their children had received earlier that day, enabling parents to follow up on the key messages at home over the coming days and weeks. In addition, we were able to share extra information, such as the importance of excellent attendance and ‘Satchel One’ and how parents can use this effectively to support their child’s learning beyond the classroom.

We will shortly be inviting our Year 7 parents and pupils to the Year 7 Parent-Tutor Evening on Thursday 17 October 2024 - please put the date in your diary. As well as being an opportunity to meet your child's tutor and find out how your child is settling in to life and learning at Deer Park, we will also be running additional information sessions. A letter will be coming home with more details, including how to book your appointment.