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Cirencester Deer Park School

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Year 6-7 Transition 2024

Transition from Year 6 to Year 7 in 2024

On Thursday 11 July 2024, Year 6 pupils joining Cirencester Deer Park School in September came to our school for the first of their two Induction Days. These two days are an important part of the transition process from Primary to Secondary School, allowing pupils to meet their tutor for the first time and have an opportunity to tour the school, experience some lessons and meet others in their Tutor Group in advance of joining us in September 2024.

We are aware that many of you are keen to find out what you will be learning in September when you join us fully and start the next stage of your learning journey at Secondary School. Therefore, faculty colleagues have put together some transition materials which we hope will allow you to “dip” into the different faculty areas and see what you might be learning. Whilst there have been some tasks set for you to complete, these are not mandatory, but purely optional for those who wish to find out more about the exciting opportunities that lie ahead. We recommend looking at the information each subject area has provided. You can then dip in and out through the summer break during any spare time you have, even when you are out and about. In addition to the transition material provided, you have already been given personalised login details and additional information regarding MyMaths, which is shared with pupils during our Induction Days. This will provide the opportunity to continue some Maths challenges over the summer, should you wish to do so.

Click here to access the Summer Transition materials...

We recommend exploring our website, especially the Latest News, which will include a report about our Induction Days, and you will be able to find lots of other useful information.

We hope that this information provides you with everything you need ready to learn and feel confident and excited about joining Cirencester Deer Park School on the next chapter of your learning journey. A letter will follow to confirm the arrangements for the start of term as soon as the plans are finalised.

Have an enjoyable summer and we look forward to seeing you all in September.